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Building serverless microservices in Python : a complete guide to building, testing, and deploying microservices using serverless computing on AWS /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Freeman, Richard Takashi, author.
서명/저자사항Building serverless microservices in Python :a complete guide to building, testing, and deploying microservices using serverless computing on AWS /Richard Takashi Freeman.
발행사항Birmingham, UK : Packt Publishing, 2019.
형태사항1 online resource : illustrations
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; About Packt; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Serverless Microservices Architectures and Patterns; Understanding different architecture types and patterns; The monolithic multi-tier architecture and the monolithic service-oriented architecture; Benefits of monolithic architectures; Drawbacks of the monolithic architectures; Overview of microservices; Benefits and drawbacks of microservice architectures; SOA versus microservices; Virtual machines, containers, and serverless computing; Virtual machines; Containers
Serverless computingComparing virtual machines, containers, and serverless; Overview of microservice integration patterns; Design patterns; Why are patterns useful?; Software design patterns and principles; Serverless microservices pattern categories; Communication styles and decomposition microservice patterns; Communication styles; One-to-one communication microservice patterns; Many-to-many communication microservice patterns; Decomposition pattern by business capability; Decomposition pattern by bounded context; Serverless computing in AWS
Overview of some of the key serverless services in AWSAWS Lambda; Serverless computing to implement microservice patterns; Example use case -- serverless file transformer; Setting up your serverless environment; Setting up your AWS account; Setting up MFA; Setting up a new user with keys; Managing your infrastructure with code; Installing bash on Windows 10; Updating Ubuntu, installing Git and Python 3; Installing and setting up the AWS CLI; Summary; Chapter 2: Creating Your First Serverless Data API; Overview of security in AWS; Why is security important?; Security by design principles
AWS Identity and Access ManagementJavaScript object notation; IAM policies; IAM users; IAM groups; IAM roles; Securing your serverless microservices; Lambda security; API Gateway security; DynamoDB security; Monitoring and alerting; Find out more; Building a serverless microservice data API; Serverless microservice data API requirements; Query string; Data API architecture; Setting up Lambda security in the AWS Management Console; Creating an IAM policy; DynamoDB IAM policy; Lambda IAM policy; Creating the Lambda IAM role; Creating and writing to a NoSQL database called DynamoDB using AWS
Creating a DynamoDB in AWSWriting data to DynamoDB using AWS; Querying DynamoDB using AWS; DynamoDB Scan in AWS Management Console; DynamoDB Query in AWS Management Console; Deleting DynamoDB using AWS; Creating and writing to a NoSQL database called DynamoDB using Python; Creating a DynamoDB table using Python; Writing to DynamoDB using Python; Querying DynamoDB using Python; Creating a Lambda to query DynamoDB; Creating the Lambda function; Testing the Lambda function; Setting up the API Gateway and integrating it with a Lambda proxy; Connecting API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB
요약Here we show how an end-to-end serverless application can be built at scale in a production environment with a few lines of Python configuration. We show you how to set up, configure and create different parts of the stack, including using the AWS Management Console and AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM). We also provide Python code, which ...
일반주제명Python (Computer program language)
Application software -- Development.
Cloud computing.
Application software -- Development.
Cloud computing.
Python (Computer program language)
기타형태 저록Print version:Richard, Takashi Freeman.Building Serverless Microservices in Python : A Complete Guide to Building, Testing, and Deploying Microservices Using Serverless Computing on AWS.Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 짤20199781789535297


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