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Xu Fuguan in the context of East Asian Confucianisms /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Huang, Junjie, 1946-, author.
Arghirescu, Diana, translator.
서명/저자사항Xu Fuguan in the context of East Asian Confucianisms /Chun-chieh Huang ; translated by Diana Arghirescu.
발행사항Honolulu : University of Hawai軻i Press : East-West Center, [2019]
형태사항1 online resource (xvii, 257 pages)
총서사항Confucian cultures
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050

서지주기Includes bibliographical references (pages 199-250) and index.
내용주기Xu Fuguan, historian of Chinese thought: his methodological approach and its application -- Retrospective and prospective views of Chinese traditional culture, I: Xu Fuguan's place in twentieth-century Chinese intellectual history -- Retrospective and prospective views of Chinese traditional culture, II: Xu Fuguan in the context of twentieth-century Japan and Taiwan -- A reference system for the renewal of Chinese culture, I: Xu Fuguan's commentaries on western contemporary culture -- A reference system for the renewal of Chinese culture, II: Xu Fuguan's commentaries on Japanese culture, society, and politics -- Classical Confucianism and the renewal of Chinese culture: Xu Fuguan's new interpretation -- Conclusion.
요약Among twentieth-century Confucians, Xu Fuguan (1904-1982) remains preeminent. This volume, written by Chun-chieh Huang, an authority on Xu's life and thought, offers English-speaking readers for the first time an exhaustive analysis of the philosopher's original ideas and research. A distinguished member of the group of Contemporary New Confucians, Xu made a significant contribution to the revival of Chinese culture and society, and the present book outlines the specific features of his legacy in comparison with the views of some of his influential Chinese and Japanese contemporaries. The topics covered illustrate an overarching idea, namely, the innovative way in which Xu Fuguan answers a major question concerning Chinese culture, one posed by Chinese intellectuals since the May Fourth Movement: how best to approach the modernization of China. Xu's work is based on the assumption that Confucian thought and ethics--the core of Chinese tradition--can be modernized because "there is nothing in it which is not compatible with the idea of human dignity or rights in modern society." Xu addresses the question of China's modernization by offering arguments in favor of building a connection between Confucianism and democracy, mainly its political dimension. Huang places his subject in the vast context of twentieth-century Chinese Confucian studies and the history of East Asian thought. He compares Xu Fuguan with his most influential opponents Hu Shi (1891-1962) and Fu Sinian (1896-1950) as well as fellow Confucians Tang Junyi (1909-1978) and Mou Zongsan (1909-1995). Huang draws further comparisons between Xu's thought and that of Japanese Enlightenment philosopher Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901) and the father of contemporary Japanese capitalism, Shibusawa Eiichi (1840-1931). These contrasts highlight the "Chineseness" of Xu's theories and the marks left by traditional Chinese thought and culture on his writing and life in the countryside, where he spent much of his youth.
통일서명Dong Ya ru xue shi yu zhong de Xu Fuguan ji qi si xiang.English
주제명(개인명)Xu, Fuguan.
Xu, Fuguan.fast --
일반주제명Philosophy, Confucian -- East Asia.
Philosophy, Confucian.
주제명(지명)East Asia. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Huang, Junjie, 1946-Dong Ya ru xue shi yu zhong de Xu Fuguan ji qi si xiang. English.Xu Fuguan in the context of East Asian Confucianisms.Honolulu : University of Hawai軻i Press : East-West Center, [2019]9780824880385


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