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Nurses making policy : from bedside to boardroom /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Patton, Rebecca M., editor.
Zalon, Margarete L., editor.
Ludwick, Ruth, editor.
단체저자명American Nurses Association.
서명/저자사항Nurses making policy :from bedside to boardroom /[edited by] Rebecca M. Patton, Margarete L. Zalon, Ruth Ludwick.
판사항Second edition.
발행사항New York, NY : Springer Publishing Company : Co-published with the American Nurses Association, [2019]
형태사항1 online resource
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050

일반주기 Includes index.
내용주기Leading the way in policy / Rebecca M. Patton, Margarete L. Zalon, and Ruth Ludwick -- Advocating for nurses and for health / Karen Tomajan and Debbie Dawson Hatmaker -- Navigating the political system / Eileen M. Sullivan-Marx and Susan Apold -- Identifying a problem and analyzing a policy issue / Rebecca M. Patton, Margarete L. Zalon, and Ruth Ludwick -- Harnessing evidence in the policy process / Kathleen M. White and Audra N. Rankin -- Setting the agenda / Linda Groah, Amy L. Hader -- Building capital : intellectual, social, political, and financial / Lauren Inouye, Colleen Leners, Suzanne Miyamoto -- Changing organizations, institutions, and government / Tim Porter-O'Grady, Kathy Malloch, Ingrid Johnson -- Implementing the plan / Rebecca M. Patton, Margarete L. Zalon, Ruth Ludwick -- Influencing public opinion and health policy through media engagement / Pamela F Cipriano, Jessica Keim-Malpass -- Applying a nursing lens to shape policy / Joanne Disch -- Evaluating policy : structures, processes, and outcomes / Sean P. Clarke, Pamela Linzer -- Eliminating health inequities through national and global policy / Shanita Williams, Janice M. Phillips -- Valuing global realities for health policy / Judith Shamian, Michelle McHugh Slater -- Taking action, shaping the future / Rebecca M. Patton, Margarete L. Zalon, Ruth Ludwick.
요약Written by distinguished nurse leaders with expertise in policy, practice, education, and research. and policy--this is a practical "how-to" guide written to help advanced students and nurse leaders develop health policy competencies to advocate for patients from the bedside to the larger political arena. Co-published with the ANA, the book examines the pivotal role of nurses involved in health policy, making it an essential resource for nurses pursuing advanced education and nurses desiring to enhance their expertise in making policy and facilitating its change. The book addresses recent changes impacting health care, and many other topics including information on the increased need for primary care providers, how full practice authority has been implemented in different states, the need for an enhanced RN role in ambulatory care, and ongoing changes to the Affordable Care Act. This edition describes the distinct role of nurses impacting policies on the front lines of health care. Current issues with detailed examples of how nurses can exert influence at local, state, national, and global levels at each step of the policymaking process are presented. This second edition emphasizes collaboration within health care institutions, professional organizations, and government for the development of policies from bedside to boardroom. Using descriptive cases, the book delves into the growing role of nurses in elected and appointed office. The book clarifies the process of identifying issues that need a policy solution. A timely contribution focuses on evaluating policy sources, such as Fake News. It stresses how evidence must be used to strengthen policy initiatives. Woven throughout are essential themes basic to healthcare: ethics, leadership, safety, care access and quality of care.--Publisher's website.
일반주제명Nursing services -- Administration.
Medical policy.
Nursing -- organization & administration.
Policy Making.
Health Policy.
Nurse's Role.
Organizational Policy.
HEALTH & FITNESS -- Reference.
MEDICAL -- Alternative Medicine.
MEDICAL -- Atlases.
MEDICAL -- Essays.
MEDICAL -- Family & General Practice.
MEDICAL -- Holistic Medicine.
MEDICAL -- Osteopathy.
Medical policy.
Nursing services -- Administration.
주제명(지명)United States.
기타형태 저록Print version:Nurses making policy.Second edition.New York, NY : Springer Publishing Company ; co-published with the American Nurses Association, [2019]9780826142221


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