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Blockchain for Enterprise : Build Scalable Blockchain Applications with Privacy, Interoperability, and Permissioned Features. [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Prusty, Narayan.
서명/저자사항Blockchain for Enterprise :Build Scalable Blockchain Applications with Privacy, Interoperability, and Permissioned Features.[electronic resource]
발행사항Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2018.
형태사항1 online resource (212 pages)
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3
일반주기 Introduction to cloud computing.
내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: What are Decentralized Applications?; What is a DApp?; What is a blockchain?; Understanding Byzantine Fault Tolerance; Representation of user accounts ; What are UTXOs?; Popular permissioned blockchain platforms; Ethereum; Quorum; Parity; MultiChain; Hyperledger Fabric 1.0; BigchainDB; InterPlanetary File System; Corda; Transaction validity; Hyperledger Sawtooth; Popular blockchain use cases; Everledger; Walmart's food tracking ; Ghana's land registry ; Dubai's housing rental.
Project UbinSummary; Chapter 2: Building Blockchain Using Quorum; Overview of Quorum; Ethereum accounts; What are Ethereum transactions?; What is a Merkle tree?; What is forking in blockchain?; Raft consensus; Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerence; Private contracts and constellation; Installing Quorum and constellation; Build your first Raft network; Setting up a constellation network; Generating enodes; Creating an account; Creating the genesis block; Starting nodes; Adding or removing nodes dynamically; Building your first IBFT network; Installing IBFT tools; Creating a genesis block.
Starting nodesAdding or removing a validator dynamically; Summary; Chapter 3: Writing Smart Contracts; Solidity source files; The structure of a smart contract; Data locations in Solidity; The different types of data; Arrays; Strings; Structs; Enums; Mappings; The delete operator; Conversion between elementary types; Using var; Control structures; Creating contracts using the new operator; Exceptions; External function calls; Features of contracts; Visibility; Function modifiers; The fallback function; Inheritance; The super keyword; Abstract contracts; Libraries; using for.
Returning multiple valuesImporting other Solidity source files; Globally-available variables; Block and transaction properties; Address-type-related variables; Contract-related variables; Ether units; Proof of existence, integrity, and ownership contract; Compiling and deploying contracts; Summary; Chapter 4: Getting Started with web3.js; Introduction to web3.js; Importing web3.js; Connecting to nodes; The API structure; BigNumber.js; Unit conversion; Retrieving gas price, balance, and transaction details; Sending ether; Working with contracts; Retrieving and listening to contract events.
Building a client for the ownership contractThe project structure; Building the backend; Building the frontend; Testing the client; Summary; Chapter 5: Building Interoperable Blockchains; Understanding blockchain interoperability; What can interoperable blockchains achieve?; Strategies for implementing blockchain interoperability; Single custodian; Multisignature federation; Sidechains or relays; Hash locking; Building a FedCoin; Smart contracts to digitalize fiat currency; Atomic swap smart contracts; Testing; Summary; Chapter 6: Building Quorum as a Service Platform.
요약This book will help you build real-world decentralized blockchain applications highlighting the principles of peer-to-peer systems, smart contracts, interoperability, privacy and more. You will be aware of the process flow and the growing company needs so you can incorporate and scale them in your own enterprise.
일반주제명Application software -- Development.
Blockchains (Databases)
Application software -- Development.
Blockchains (Databases)
기타형태 저록Print version:Prusty, Narayan.Blockchain for Enterprise : Build Scalable Blockchain Applications with Privacy, Interoperability, and Permissioned Features.Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 짤20189781788479745


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