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Below the surface : talking with teens about race, ethnicity, and identity / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Rivas-Drake, Deborah, author.
Uman?a-Taylor, Adriana J., author.
서명/저자사항Below the surface :talking with teens about race, ethnicity, and identity /Deborah Rivas-Drake and Adriana J. Uman?a-Taylor.[electronic resource]
발행사항Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2019]
형태사항1 online resource
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 072

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover; Title; Copyright; CONTENTS; Dedication; Acknowledgments; Preface; 1 What Does It Mean to Move below the Surface?; 2 Coming of Age in a Changing America: Opportunities and Challenges of Youth Diversity; 3 More than Labels: The Psychology of Ethnic and Racial Identity; 4 How Do Youth Form Their Ideas about Ethnicity and Race?; 5 Breaking Down Ethnic-Racial Boundaries: Can We Help Youth Have Better Relationships with Diverse Peers by Helping Them Learn about Their Own Identities?; 6 A Way Forward; Epilogue; Notes; References; Index.
요약A guide to the latest research on how young people can develop positive ethnic-racial identities and strong interracial relationsToday's young people are growing up in an increasingly ethnically and racially diverse society. How do we help them navigate this world productively, given some of the seemingly intractable conflicts we constantly hear about? In Below the Surface, Deborah Rivas-Drake and Adriana Uman?a-Taylor explore the latest research in ethnic and racial identity and interracial relations among diverse youth in the United States. Drawing from multiple disciplines, including developmental psychology, social psychology, education, and sociology, the authors demonstrate that young people can have a strong ethnic-racial identity and still view other groups positively, and that in fact, possessing a solid ethnic-racial identity makes it possible to have a more genuine understanding of other groups.During adolescence, teens reexamine, redefine, and consolidate their ethnic-racial identities in the context of family, schools, peers, communities, and the media. The authors explore each of these areas and the ways that ideas of ethnicity and race are implicitly and explicitly taught. They provide convincing evidence that all young people-ethnic majority and minority alike-benefit from engaging in meaningful dialogues about race and ethnicity with caring adults in their lives, which help them build a better perspective about their identity and a foundation for engaging in positive relationships with those who are different from them.Timely and accessible, Below the Surface is an ideal resource for parents, teachers, educators, school administrators, clergy, and all who want to help young people navigate their growth and development successfully.
일반주제명Teenagers -- Ethnic identity.
Identity (Psychology) in adolescence.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Discrimination & Race Relations.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Minority Studies.
Identity (Psychology) in adolescence.
EDUCATION / Multicultural Education
기타형태 저록Print version:Rivas-Drake, Deborah.Below the Surface.Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 201906911751799780691175171


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