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Many deaths of Jew Su?ss : the notorius trial and execution of an eighteenth-century court Jew / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Mintzker, Yair, author.
서명/저자사항Many deaths of Jew Su?ss[electronic resource] :the notorius trial and execution of an eighteenth-century court Jew /Yair Mintzker.
발행사항Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2017.
형태사항1 online resource.
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 072

서지주기Includes bibliographical references (pages 289-322) and index.
내용주기Cover; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Acknowledgments; Note to Readers; Introduction; First Conversation; 1. The Inquisitor; Part 1: Vita Ante Acta; Part 2: Species Facti; Second Conversation; 2. A Convert's Tale; Third Conversation; 3. Joseph and His Brothers; Fourth Conversation; 4. In the Land of the Dead; Afterword; List of Illustrations; List of Abbreviations; Notes; Index
요약Joseph Su?ss Oppenheimer -"Jew Su?ss" - is one of the most iconic figures in the history of anti-Semitism. In 1733, Oppenheimer became the "court Jew" of Carl Alexander, the duke of the small German state of Wurttemberg. When Carl Alexander died unexpectedly, the Wurttemberg authorities arrested Oppenheimer, put him on trial, and condemned him to death for unspecified "misdeeds." On February 4, 1738, Oppenheimer was hanged in front of a large crowd just outside Stuttgart. He is most often remembered today through several works of fiction, chief among them a vicious Nazi propaganda movie made in 1940 at the behest of Joseph Goebbels. The Many Deaths of Jew Suss is a compelling new account of Oppenheimer's notorious trial. Drawing on a wealth of rare archival evidence, Yair Mintzker investigates conflicting versions of Oppenheimer's life and death as told by four contemporaries: the leading inquisitor in the criminal investigation, the most important eyewitness to Oppenheimer's final days, a fellow court Jew who was permitted to visit Oppenheimer on the eve of his execution, and one of Oppenheimer's earliest biographers. What emerges is a lurid tale of greed, sex, violence, and disgrace - but are these narrators to be trusted? Meticulously reconstructing the social world in which they lived, and taking nothing they say at face value, Mintzker conjures an unforgettable picture of "Jew Su?ss" in his final days that is at once moving, disturbing, and profound.
주제명(개인명)Su?ss-Oppenheimer, Joseph,1698 or 1699-1738.
Su?ss-Oppenheimer, Joseph,1698 or 1699-1738 -- Trials, litigation, etc.
Su?ss-Oppenheimer, Joseph,1698 or 1699-1738. -- fast --
일반주제명Judicial error -- Germany -- Wu?rttemberg -- 18th century.
Criminal justice, Administration of -- Germany -- Wu?rttemberg -- 18th century.
Antisemitism -- Germany -- Wu?rttemberg.
HISTORY / Europe / Germany
Criminal justice, Administration of.
Judicial error.
HISTORY / Jewish
주제명(지명)Wu?rttemberg (Germany) -- Biography.Germany -- Wu?rttemberg. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:97806911723230691172323


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