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Understanding the long-term evolution of the coupled natural-human coastal system ; the future of the U.S. Gulf coast / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

단체저자명National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Long-Term Coastal Zone Dynamics: Interactions and Feedbacks Between Natural and Human Processes Along the U.S. Gulf Coast,author.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Board on Earth Sciences and Resources,issuing body.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Ocean Studies Board,issuing body.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Board on Environmental Change and Society,issuing body.
서명/저자사항Understanding the long-term evolution of the coupled natural-human coastal system ; the future of the U.S. Gulf coast /Committee on Long-Term Coastal Zone Dynamics: Interactions and Feedbacks Between Natural and Human Processes Along the U.S. Gulf Coast ; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources ; Ocean Studies Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies ; Board on Environmental Change and Society, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine.[electronic resource]
발행사항Washington, DC : the National Academies Press, [2018].
형태사항1 online resource (x, 144 pages) : color illustrations
총서사항A consensus study report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
부분서명Future of the U.S. Gulf Coast.
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3 - Master record variable field(s) change: 072

서지주기Includes bibliographical references (pages 111-133).
내용주기Introduction -- Background of the Gulf Coast system -- Research gaps -- Barriers to effective communication between scientists and stakeholders -- Defining a research agenda : priorities to increase understanding of long-term coastal zone dynamics
요약"The U.S. Gulf Coast provides a valuable setting to study deeply connected natural and human interactions and feedbacks that have led to a complex, interconnected coastal system. The physical landscape in the region has changed significantly due to broad-scale, long-term processes such as coastal subsidence and river sediment deposition as well as short-term episodic events such as hurricanes. Modifications from human activities, including building levees and canals and constructing buildings and roads, have left their own imprint on the natural landscape. This coupled natural-human coastal system and the individual aspects within it (physical, ecological, and human) are under increased pressure from accelerating environmental stressors such as sea level rise, intensifying hurricanes, and continued population increase with its accompanying coastal development. Promoting the resilience and maintaining the habitability of the Gulf Coast into the future will need improved understanding of the coupled natural-human coastal system, as well as effective sharing of this understanding in support of decision-making and policies. Understanding the Long-term Evolution of the Coupled Natural-Human Coastal System presents a research agenda meant to enable a better understanding of the multiple and interconnected factors that influence long-term processes along the Gulf Coast. This report identifies scientific and technical gaps in understanding the interactions and feedbacks between human and natural processes, defines essential components of a research and development program in response to the identified gaps, and develops priorities for critical areas of research"--Publisher's description
일반주제명Ecosystem management -- Gulf Coast (U.S.)
Nature -- Effect of human beings on -- Gulf Coast (U.S.)
Ecosystem management.
Nature -- Effect of human beings on.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Real Estate / General
주제명(지명)United States -- Gulf Coast. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Understanding the long-term evolution of the coupled natural-human coastal systemWashington, DC :the National Academies Press97803094758460309475848


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