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Unequal and unrepresented : political inequality and the people's voice in the new gilded age /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Schlozman, Kay Lehman, 1946-, author.
Brady, Henry E., author.
Verba, Sidney, author.
서명/저자사항Unequal and unrepresented :political inequality and the people's voice in the new gilded age /Kay Lehman Schlozman, Henry E. Brady, Sidney Verba.
발행사항Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2018]
형태사항1 online resource (xv, 330 pages) : b illustrations, maps
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 650

서지주기Includes bibliographical refererences and index.
내용주기Introduction -- Part I: What do we mean by political voice? Does equal voice matter? -- The roots of citizen participation: the civic voluntarism model -- Part II: Who exercises political voice? -- The noisy and the silent: divergent preferences and needs -- Do digital technologies make a difference? -- Social movements and ordinary recruitment -- Part III: Who sings in the heavenly chorus? The shape of the organized interest system -- Representing interests through organizational activity -- Part IV: Growing economic inequality and its (partially) political roots -- Has it always been this way? -- Can we do anything about it? -- Unequal voice in an unequal age
요약"How American political participation is increasingly being shaped by citizens who wield more resourcesThe Declaration of Independence proclaims equality as a foundational American value. However, Unequal and Unrepresented finds that political voice in America is not only unequal but also unrepresentative. Those who are well educated and affluent carry megaphones. The less privileged speak in a whisper. Relying on three decades of research and an enormous wealth of information about politically active individuals and organizations, Kay Schlozman, Henry Brady, and Sidney Verba offer a concise synthesis and update of their groundbreaking work on political participation. The authors consider the many ways that citizens in American democracy can influence public outcomes through political voice: by voting, getting involved in campaigns, communicating directly with public officials, participating online or offline, acting alone and in organizations, and investing their time and money. Socioeconomic imbalances characterize every form of political voice, but the advantage to the advantaged is especially pronounced when it comes to any form of political expression--for example, lobbying legislators or making campaign donations-that relies on money as an input. With those at the top of the ladder increasingly able to spend lavishly in politics, political action anchored in financial investment weighs ever more heavily in what public officials hear. Citing real-life examples and examining inequalities from multiple perspectives, Unequal and Unrepresented shows how disparities in political voice endanger American democracy today"--Publisher's description.
일반주제명Political participation -- United States.
Equality -- United States.
Democracy -- United States.
Pressure groups -- United States.
Representative government and representation -- United States.
Political participation.
Representative government and representation.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / Legislative Branch.
주제명(지명)United States. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Schlozman, Kay Lehman, 1946-Unequal and unrepresented.Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press [2018]9780691180557


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