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The future of atmospheric chemistry research : remembering yesterday, understanding today, anticipating tomorrow /

상세 프로파일

단체저자명National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on the Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research,author.
서명/저자사항The future of atmospheric chemistry research :remembering yesterday, understanding today, anticipating tomorrow /Committee on the Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Division on Earth and Life Studies ; a report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine.
발행사항Washington, DC : The National Academies Press, [2016]
형태사항1 online resource (xviii, 207 pages) : color illustrations
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 072, 082 - OCLC control number change

서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Pages:1 to 25; Pages:26 to 50; Pages:51 to 75; Pages:76 to 100; Pages:101 to 125; Pages:126 to 150; Pages:151 to 175; Pages:176 to 200; Pages:201 to 225; Pages:226 to 227.
요약"Our world is changing at an accelerating rate. The global human population has grown from 6.1 billion to 7.1 billion in the last 15 years and is projected to reach 11.2 billion by the end of the century. The distribution of humans across the globe has also shifted, with more than 50 percent of the global population now living in urban areas, compared to 29 percent in 1950. Along with these trends, increasing energy demands, expanding industrial activities, and intensification of agricultural activities worldwide have in turn led to changes in emissions that have altered the composition of the atmosphere. The Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research: Remembering Yesterday, Understanding Today, Anticipating Tomorrow summarizes the rationale and need for supporting a comprehensive U.S. research program in atmospheric chemistry; comments on the broad trends in laboratory, field, satellite, and modeling studies of atmospheric chemistry; determines the priority areas of research for advancing the basic science of atmospheric chemistry; and identifies the highest priority needs for improvements in the research infrastructure to address those priority research topics. This report describes the scientific advances over the past decade in six core areas of atmospheric chemistry: emissions, chemical transformation, oxidants, atmospheric dynamics and circulation, aerosol particles and clouds, and biogeochemical cycles and deposition. This material was developed for the NSF's Atmospheric Chemistry Program; however, the findings will be of interest to other agencies and programs that support atmospheric chemistry research"--Publisher's description.
일반주제명Atmospheric chemistry -- Research.
SCIENCE -- Earth Sciences -- Geography.
SCIENCE -- Earth Sciences -- Geology.
기타형태 저록Print version:Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research.Natl Academy Pr 20179780309445658


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