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Domestic abuse and sexual assault in popular culture /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Finley, Laura L., author.
서명/저자사항Domestic abuse and sexual assault in popular culture /Laura L. Finley.
발행사항Santa Barbara, CA : Praeger, 2016.
형태사항1 online resource (249 pages.)
총서사항Crime in popular culture
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기1. Beyond Stupid Sluts and Innocent Children: Describing Victims -- 2. Domestic Terrorists and Strangers in the Bushes: Describing Offenders -- 3. Tornados Meeting Volcanoes and Asking for It: Myths about Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault 4. Evil, Ill, or Controlling: Exploring Depictions of Criminological Theory -- 5. Calling the Cops and a Day in Court: Depictions of Criminal Justice Responses -- 6. Getting Over It or Taking Matters into Your Own Hands: Victim and Other Responses -- Conclusion -- Appendix A: Films, Documentaries, Popular Books, and Song Lyrics Featuring Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault -- Appendix B: Recommended Resources on Rape, Domestic Violence, and Popular Culture.
요약"Using historical and current examples from film, television, literature, advertisements, and music, this book reveals the ways that rape and abuse are typically presented--and misrepresented--and evaluates the impact of these depictions on consumers -- Addresses both positive and negative depictions of domestic abuse and sexual assault from recent popular culture, utilizing examples from film, television, literature, music, advertisements, and more -- Presents information that is ideal for undergraduate courses in gender studies, sociology, and psychology as well as communications and popular culture classes -- Utilizes the most current research on dating and domestic and sexual violence to clearly demonstrate the importance of how these issues and crimes are depicted in popular culture -- Provides a comprehensive appendix of additional resources that directs students in investigating the topic further"--
일반주제명Violence in mass media.
Violence in popular culture -- United States.
Women -- Crimes against -- United States.
Rape in mass media.
Mass media and culture -- United States.
Crime in popular culture -- United States.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Violence in Society.
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Public Policy -- Social Security.
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Public Policy -- Social Services & Welfare.
Crime in popular culture.
Mass media and culture.
Rape in mass media.
Violence in mass media.
Violence in popular culture.
Women -- Crimes against.
주제명(지명)United States. -- fast
언어Text in English.
기타형태 저록Print version:Finley, Laura.Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault in Popular Culture.Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 짤20169781440837944


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