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Energy atlas : future concept : renewable Wilhelmsburg /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Taylor, Katherine.
Ghanouni, Susan.
Hyman, Kay.
단체저자명First Edition Translations Ltd.
서명/저자사항Energy atlas :future concept : renewable Wilhelmsburg /Internationale Bauausstellung Hamburg (ed.) ; [translated and edited by Katherine Taylor, Susan Ghanouni, and Kay Hyman in association with First Edition Translation Ltd.].
발행사항Berlin : Jovis, 짤2010.
형태사항1 online resource.
총서사항Metropole / IBA_Hamburg ;Metropolis ;IBA_Hamburg ;Sonderbd. =Sonderbd. =Sonderbd.
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks

내용주기Cover; Title Page; Contents; The IBA Future Concept Renewable Wilhelmsburg; The Modern Metropolis as Green Capital; The Necessity of a Climate Protection Concept for a Renewable Wilhelmsburg; Climate Change and Climate Policy; Wilhelmsburg on the Way to the Future of Renewable Energies; The Post-fossil and Non-nuclear Energy Metropolises of Tomorrow; Our Urban Destiny; A Brief Energy History of the Elbe Island; Methodology and Strategy Development; The Basics and the Initial Situation; Prototype Urban Environments (UET) in the IBA Area; Future Scenarios for Wilhelmsburg.
Wilhelmsburg on the Way to the Solar Industrial AgeForecasts for the Reference Scenarios; Forecasts for the Excellence Scenarios; Comparison of Scenarios; People, Cities, Climate Change; Energy Efficiency Through Cost Efficiency; Costs and Gains of the Future Concept Renewable Wilhelmsburg; Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Energy Policy: Not a Cost Issue; Sociological Aspects of Climate Change; Energy and Awareness; Road Map For Wilhelmsburg; Spatial Energy Concept; Spatial Energy Action Plan for the Elbe Islands; Project Gallery; Glossary; Authors; Picture Credits; Imprint.
요약Global climate change calls for rapid and decisive measures, particularly from the world's metropolises-the future of our climate will be decided in cities! But how can cities forge a path to a post-fossil fuel, post-atomic energy era, to ensure that urgently needed steps are put into practice? The ENERGY ATLAS takes the example of Hamburg's Wilhelmsburg district to examine developments in future energy requirements. This book presents potential for saving energy, increasing efficiency and using renewable energies, as well as strategic steps for optimising energy supply. The analytical methods.
회의명IBA Hamburg.
일반주제명Architecture -- Environmental aspects -- Germany -- Hamburg.
Architecture and climate -- Germany -- Hamburg.
City planning -- Germany -- Hamburg -- History -- 21st century.
Renewable energy sources -- Germany -- Hamburg.
Wilhelmsburg (Hamburg, Germany) -- Buildings, structures, etc.
City planning -- Germany -- Hamburg -- History -- 21st century.
Renewable energy sources -- Germany -- Hamburg.
Architecture and climate -- Germany -- Hamburg.
Architecture -- Environmental aspects -- Germany -- Hamburg.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Real Estate / General
주제명(지명)Wilhelmsburg (Hamburg, Germany) -- Buildings, structures, etc.
기타형태 저록Print version:Energy atlas.Berlin : Jovis, 짤201097838685907463868590749


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