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The ultimate guide to college transfer : from surviving to thriving /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Tyler, Lucia D.
Henninger, Susan E.
서명/저자사항The ultimate guide to college transfer :from surviving to thriving /Lucia D. Tyler and Susan E. Henninger.
형태사항1 online resource.
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks

내용주기Acknowledgments; Susan's Acknowledgments; Lucia's Acknowledgments; Foreword; Introduction; Famous College Transfers; 1 Common Transfer Scenarios; Overview; Reason to Transfer: Roommate Issues; Scenario 1: Sexiled!; Scenario 2: Two's Company; Three's a Crowd; Scenario 3: The Joke's on You; Scenario 4: We're Having a Party; Reason to Transfer: Academics; Scenario 1: All I Want Is My Fair Share!; Scenario 2: I Hate My Major!; Scenario 3: Decisions, Decisions; Scenario 4: Freedom with Responsibility; Scenario 5: Not a Theater Superstar!; Reason to Transfer: Finances
Scenario 1: Money-Conscious MeganScenario 2: Foreign Financial Fiasco; Reason to Transfer: Reality Check; Scenario 1: Too Shy to Try; Scenario 2: On the Outside Looking In; Scenario 3: Culture Counts; Scenario 4: College Athletics; Scenario 5: Athletics and Academia; Scenario 6: Noninclusive Campus; 2 Less Common Transfer Scenarios; Overview; Reason to Transfer: Coping with Crisis; Scenario 1: Alcoholism; Scenario 2: Severe Anxiety; Scenario 3: Health Issues-Temporary and Chronic; Scenario 4: Eating Disorder; Reason to Transfer: Restlessness; Scenario 1: No Moss Grows on Ariel
Scenario 2: When the Honeymoon Is OverReason to Transfer: Pay Attention, Parents; Scenario 1: Hovering Helicopters; Scenario 2: Their Lips Are Sealed; Scenario 3: When the Student Knows Best; 3 Determining What's Right for You; How Savvy Are You about Transfer?; Introduction to Transfer Pros and Cons; Pros and Cons Checklist; Family Financial Tic Tac Toe; Learning Environment Picture Quiz; Credit Transfer Self-Survey; 4 Hands-On Homework; Telling Parents; Parent Perspective; Telling Friends; What about a Gap Year?; Community College Options
Community College: A Bridge to Another Four-Year CollegeFinancial Choice in Community College; Transferring from Community College to a Four-Year College; Credit Transfer in Community College; Reverse Transfer; Community College and the Traditional College Experience; Academic Quality of Community Colleges; 5 All about College Visits; Why Visit?; Tips for Transfer Visits; Why Not Visit?; Visits and International Transfers; Questions for Students to Ask before Transferring; Credit Transfer; The Cost of College Transfer; Academic and Career Goals; Career Counseling and Job Placement Services
Housing for TransfersCollege Life; For International Transfers; 6 Parents Talk about College Transfer; Overview; Patience Pays Off; Communication Counts; Money Matters; Times Have Changed; Independence Day; More Parent Tips; 7 Seeking Additional Perspectives; Smart Use of Technology; Reputable Resources; What Students Say; Financial Issues; Other Online Resources; Advice from College Consultants; Times When Supportive Parents Are Key; Tips for Transferring After a Difficult Experience; Students Can Navigate Straightforward Paths; General Transfer Admission Tips; Credit Transfer; Trading Up
요약This book is a comprehensive guide, designed to make college transfer between four-year schools as successful as possible. Chapters outline the steps to take from the moment a student finds him/herself considering college transfer to the first semester at his/her next college.
일반주제명Students, Transfer of -- United States -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Transfer students -- United States -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
College student orientation -- United States -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
기타형태 저록Print version:Tyler, Lucia D.Ultimate guide to college transferLanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd., [2017]9781475826869


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