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Something's got to give : balancing work, childcare, and eldercare /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Duxbury, Linda, author.
Higgins, Christopher Alan, author.
서명/저자사항Something's got to give :balancing work, childcare, and eldercare /Linda Duxbury and Christopher Higgins.
형태사항1 online resource
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1 The Perfect Storm: Caregiving in Canada and Other Western Economies; 2 Profiling Canadian Caregivers: Who Are They? What Do They Do? Why Do They Do It?; 3 Too Much to Do in Too Little Time: Balancing Caregiving, Employment, and (Perhaps) Childcare; 4 And So? The Impact of Caregiving on Employees Who Provide Care; 5 And So? The Impact of Caregiving on the Organizational "Bottom Line"; 6 Surviving (Even Thriving on) the "Rollercoaster Ride from Hell": Coping with Caregiver Strain.
7 I'll Get By with a Little Help from My Friends: Coping with Caregiver Strain8 A Call to Action; Appendix; References; Index.
요약"A perfect storm of factors are brewing that will redefine dependent care in the coming decades. Delayed marriage and parenthood, longer life-spans, lower birthrates, and the health policy shift to informal caregiving have drastically increased the number of employees whose mental and physical health suffers due to an inability to balance work, childcare, and eldercare. Employers also feel the pinch as this inability to balance a myriad of demands is negatively impacting their bottom line. Something's Got to Give is a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by employees and employers as they try to respond to this dramatic demographic change. Linda Duxbury and Christopher Higgins utilize an original and rich data set--gathered from 25,000 Canadians who are employed full time in public, private, and not-for-profit organizations--to demonstrate the urgent need for workplace and policy reforms and support for employed caregivers. The authors' timely work provides practical advice to managers and policy-makers about how to mitigate the effects of employee work-life conflict, retain talent, and improve employee engagement and productivity. Business and labour leaders as well as employees who truly care about their careers and industries can't afford to ignore the solutions that Something's Got to Give thoughtfully provides."--
일반주제명Work and family -- Canada.
Caregivers -- Canada.
Work-life balance -- Canada.
POLITICAL SCIENCE -- Public Policy -- Cultural Policy.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Anthropology -- Cultural.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Popular Culture.
Work and family.
Work-life balance.
주제명(지명)Canada. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Duxbury, Linda.Something's got to give.Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 201714426497399781442649736


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