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Becoming Facebook : the 10 challenges that defined the company disrupting the world /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Hoefflinger, Mike, author.
서명/저자사항Becoming Facebook :the 10 challenges that defined the company disrupting the world /Mike Hoefflinger.
형태사항1 online resource (x, 275 pages)
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover; Contents; Preface; Part 1 Setting the Scene; 1: The Bell Tolls: Half the company it used to be; 2: Finding Your Inner Zuck: Everything at Facebook starts with Mark Zuckerberg, but it doesn't end there; Part 2 10 Challenges on the Road from Also-Ran to Juggernaut; 3: How Facebook Turned Down 1 Billion; LESSON 1: Know whether this is your next thing or your last thing.; 4: How Facebook Became Your Lens on the World; LESSON 2: Add by subtracting.; 5: How Facebook Grows ... and Grows; LESSON 3: Know your North Star Metric, Magic Moment and Core Product Value.
6: How Facebook Built a 10 Billion Business in Three YearsLESSON 4: Everybody wins if you democratize something for customers of all sizes.; 7: How Facebook Goes Fast; LESSON 5: Speed is a feature.; 8: How Facebook Beat Google; LESSON 6: Crossing the chasm is the best defense.; 9: How Facebook Became More Than Facebook; LESSON 7: Disrupt yourself before someone else does.; 10: How Facebook Plays the Long Game; LESSON 8: Some long games are worth playing if you take care of business in the meantime.; 11: How Facebook Wins the Talent Wars.
LESSON 9: Employee engagement is everything. Fit to people's strengths and ignore weaknesses.12: How Facebook Became the Biggest of the Big; LESSON 10: Care more.; Part 3 The Future; 13: Messaging Becomes the Medium: Two more giant apps and an artificial intelligence based on trillions of pieces of data.; 14: Connecting the Next Billion People: The most questionable business decision for the best reasons.; 15: "Transporting" a Billion of Us with VR and AR: Building the last screen.; 16: What If Facebook "Wins"? Reknitting the Pangea of the mind.; Part 4 Parting Thoughts.
17: Failure Isn't: Facebook doesn't always hit it out of the park, and that's a good thing. 18: Nothing Lasts Forever? No technology company is immune to disruption.; Acknowledgments; Notes; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z; About the Author; Free Sample Chapter from Extreme Teams; Other Best-Sellers from Amacom.
요약Becoming Facebook tells the coming-of-age story of the now venerable giant. Filled with insights and anecdotes from crises averted and challenges solved, the book tracks the company's development, uncovering lessons learned on its way to greatness.
주제명(단체명)Facebook (Firm)
Facebook (Firm) -- fast --
주제명(통일서명)Facebook (Electronic resource)
Facebook (Electronic resource)fast
일반주제명Internet industry -- United States.
Online social networks.
PSYCHOLOGY -- Social Psychology.
Internet industry.
Online social networks.
Social Media
주제명(지명)United States. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Hoefflinger, Mike.Becoming Facebook.New York, NY : AMACOM, [2017]9780814437964


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