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Cultural Intelligence : CQ: The Competitive Edge for Leaders Crossing Borders

상세 프로파일

개인저자Middleton, Julia.
서명/저자사항Cultural Intelligence :CQ: The Competitive Edge for Leaders Crossing Borders.
발행사항London : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014.
형태사항1 online resource (221 pages)
내용주기Cover; Contents; Foreword; Thank you; Introduction; Part One: What is Cultural Intelligence (CQ)?; IQ; EQ; CQ; Are they sequential?; Diversions and dead ends; One final twist; Part Two: Why do I need CQ?; The need for collaboration; The reality of networks; The importance of trust; The demands of demographics; The spark of innovation; The urban magnet; Growing world, shrinking leaders; The pressure to focus; Scenario: Past, present, future: how influential are they?; Part Three: Developing your CQ: Core and Flex; A constant review; More than 'values'; Enough Core; But not too much Core.
Enough FlexBut not too much Flex; The ever-sliding scale; It's not just about you; Exercise: Assess your own Core and Flex; Part Four: The prerequisites; The CQ paradox; A deep interest in other people; A determination about yourself; The stamina for an endless journey; Stand up to cultural intolerance; Scenario: University: a perfect CQ learning opportunity; Part Five: What else does it take? Knowing your Core; Find it; Reveal it; And stick to it; Calibrating your Flex; Exercise: Reassess your Core and Flex; Part Six: Dealing with the opposite of CQ; Cultural intolerance; Cultural ignorance.
Put yourself on the receiving endPart Seven: Experiencing experience; An extra eye; Find the right guide; Have courageous conversations; Switch from transmit to receive; Open the door; Scenario: Advice for leaders leaving home; Conclusion; Over to you; Scenario: 100 people in a room; Exercise: Eight Poles: assess your CQ; Further reading; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; R; S; T; U; V; W; Y.
요약Right now, vast amounts of time and money are being invested all round the world in building global brands and organisations. But where are the global leaders who will lead them? Leaders who can cross cultural boundaries: between east and west, and north and south; between faiths and beliefs; between public, private and voluntary sectors; and between the generations? Where are the leaders who can lead in what Julia calls the ""magnet cities"" of the world: where the world's most talented young people will convene? Because these people will simply turn their backs on bosses who demand that thei.
일반주제명Cultural intelligence.
Christianity and culture.
Cultural intelligence.
RELIGION -- Christian Life -- Social Issues.
RELIGION -- Christianity -- General.
Cultural intelligence.
기타형태 저록Print version:Middleton, Julia.Cultural Intelligence.London : Bloomsbury Publishing, 20149781472904812


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