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Unlocking happiness at work : how a data-driven happiness strategy fuels purpose, passion and performance /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Moss, Jennifer.
서명/저자사항Unlocking happiness at work :how a data-driven happiness strategy fuels purpose, passion and performance /Jennifer Moss.
발행사항London : Kogan Page, 2016.
형태사항1 online resource
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Foreword; Introduction; The scariest, best moments and how they change us permanently; What I want from you and for you; 01 The happiness/brain science connection; Neural pathways and behaviour; The history of neuroplasticity; Battling the bad habits; The ever-adapting memory; How our brains fire and wire; The motivated brain; Delivering meaning; How simple can it be?; Encourage friendships; Recommended reading; 02 The history of happiness; Rising from the ashes; Socrates; Helen Keller; Nelson Mandela; William James; Returning to the Towers after 9/11.
The morning nurse or the night nurse?The happiness shift; The happiness saturation; Recommended reading; Watch!; 03 The power of habit; Our lazy brains; The myth of the 21-day habit; Quick wins; Physical and psychological fitness; When habits go bad; The attitude of gratitude; Building habits for life; Recommended reading; Watch!; 04 Emotional intelligence and leadership; What is emotional intelligence?; The early adopters; Looking upstream; The return on investment of high emotional intelligence; The competitive advantage; Happiness and money: The awkward conversation.
Outcomes of higher emotional intelligenceSurvival of the authentic; Recommended reading; 05 Conscious capitalism; What is conscious capitalism?; Do customers really care?; The firms of endearment; The talent attraction and retention benefit; How can we shift from old patterns to new patterns?; The story of Whole Foods; Embarking on the conscious capitalist journey; Where to start?; Recommended reading; 06 The happiness disruptors; The technology explosion; The pitfalls of professional development; We're missing the budget; How learning equals loyalty; Feeling cool towards the hot desk.
Recommended reading07 Engaging the whole person; How work makes us feel alive ... and keeps us alive too; The whole person; The introduction of work/life balance; The power of purpose; Building a flexible culture; Millennials; To wrap up; Recommended reading; 08 A happier approach to change; Change is hard; Ignoring change won't make it go away; Is happiness too hard?; Who are these leaders?; The little things are actually the big things; Why authenticity matters; Why do we react negatively to change?; Brain management vs change management.
How can happiness help navigate change more effectively?Recommended reading; 09 Want to be a global company? Be a global citizen; Dimensions of global brands; The pursuit of purpose vs. the pursuit of profit; Purpose or perks?; Laurent and lululemon; Recommended reading; Watch!; 10 The future of happiness; Humanizing the super-computer; When robots learn emotional intelligence; How will this change the workforce?; The future of ageing happily; The rise of mindfulness; Frankenstein, or just great science?; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Index.
요약Takes a fascinating look into happiness; the science and research behind it, the practical methods for making it a priority in the workplace and the very real ways in which it translates into higher performance.
일반주제명Industrial management.
Organizational behavior.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS -- Industrial Management.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS -- Management Science.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS -- Organizational Behavior.
Industrial management.
Organizational behavior.
기타형태 저록Print version:Moss, Jennifer.Unlocking Happiness at Work : How a Data-driven Happiness Strategy Fuels Purpose, Passion and Performance.London : Kogan Page, 짤20169780749478070


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