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Words matter : communicating effectively in the new global office /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Keating, Elizabeth Lillian, author.
Jarvenpaa, S. L. (Sirkka L.), author.
서명/저자사항Words matter :communicating effectively in the new global office /Elizabeth Keating and Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa.
형태사항1 online resource.
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Communication Plus -- About the authors -- Our approach -- Assumptions that cause trouble -- New assumptions for better outcomes -- Back to the scenes -- The myth of the universal hearer -- All information carries the same force (or does it?) -- How much information? -- Why don't we just have rules? -- Why don't we just leave our cultural baggage at the door? -- Does our native language influence the ways we think? -- A model based on research with the engineers : Communication Plus -- Introduction or once upon a time -- Speech acts -- The power of speech acts -- Ways the engineers camouflaged action with language -- Initiating and responding actions -- Making predictions -- Power relations and asking -- Using technology -- Hearers -- Knowing your hearer -- The myth of the universal hearer -- Knowing yourself and your hearer -- The hearer's biggest challenge : indirectness -- Hearing disagreement -- Overtell -- Feedback -- Schemas, scripts and frames : background knowledge -- Correctly predicting what will happen next -- Building up common ground in-the-moment and fixing common ground mistakes -- Common ground in emails -- Metaphors build new common ground or do they? -- How technology affects common ground -- Some solutions -- The theory of a person is contained in greetings -- More about the impact of theories of the person -- Judging a person by the sounds of their language -- What's not said and what could have been said.
요약"In a twenty-first-century global economy, in which multinational companies coordinate and collaborate with partners and clientele around the world, it is usually English that is the parlance of business, research, technology, and finance. Most assume that if parties on both ends of the conference call are fluent English speakers, information will be shared seamlessly and without any misunderstanding. But is that really true? Words Matter examines how communications between transnational partners routinely break down, even when all parties are fluent English speakers. The end result is lost time, lost money, and often discord among those involved. What's going wrong? Contrary to a common assumption, language is never neutral. It is heavily influenced by one's culture and can often result in unintended meanings depending on word choice, a particular phrase, or even one's inflection. A recent study of corporate managers found that one out of five projects fail primarily because of ineffective transnational communication, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars. In Words Matter, you will venture into the halls of multinational tech companies around the world to study language and culture at work; learn practical steps for harnessing research in communication and anthropology to become more skilled in the digital workplace; and learn to use the 'Communication Plus Model,' which can be easily applied in multiple situations, leading to better communication and better business outcomes"--Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Business communication.
Business communication.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Science
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior
기타형태 저록Print version:Keating, Elizabeth Lillian, author.Words matterOakland, California : University of California Press, [2016]9780520291379


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