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The Way of the Five Elements : 52 weeks of powerful acupoints for physical, emotional, and spiritual health /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Kirkwood, John, author.
서명/저자사항The Way of the Five Elements :52 weeks of powerful acupoints for physical, emotional, and spiritual health /John Kirkwood.
형태사항1 online resource (312 pages)
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks

일반주기 Notes on the Text. Preface. 1. Landscape of the Five Elements. 1.1. How to use this book. 1.2. The Five Element model. 1.2.1. Origins of the Five Elements. 1.2.2. Five Elements go west. 1.2.3. Cycles of the Five Elements. 1.2.4. Constitutional Element. 1.3. Principle of Resonance. 1.3.1. Seasons. 1.3.2. Senses. 1.3.3. Colours. 1.3.4. Sounds. 1.3.5. Odours. 1.3.6. Emotions. 1.3.7. Organs and officials. 1.4. Acu-points. 1.4.1. Point names. 1.4.2. Point selection. 1.4.3. Treating points with acupressure. 2. Water. 2.1. The Nature of Water. 2.2. Resonances of Water. 2.2.1. Season: Winter. 2.2.2. Sense: Hearing. 2.2.3. Colour: Blue (Black). 2.2.4. Sound: Groaning. 2.2.5. Odour: Putrid. 2.2.6. Emotion: Fear. 2.2.7. Organs and officials. 2.3. Power source point K 3. 2.4. Regeneration mountain BL 60. 2.5. Two extraordinary points K 6 & BL 62. 2.6. Lumbago BL 23. 2.7. Fire of the gate of life GV 4. 2.8. My Achilles is killing me BL 57. 2.9. Bubbling spring K 1. 2.10.
Holding up the heavens BL 10. 2.11. Resurrecting spirit K 24. 2.12. The spirit of Water BL 52. 2.13. Waking from hibernation GB 25. 2.14. Transition from Water to Wood. 3. Wood. 3.1. The Nature of Wood. 3.2. Resonances of Wood. 3.2.1. Season: Spring. 3.2.2. Sense: Seeing. 3.2.3. Colour: Green. 3.2.4. Sound: Shouting. 3.2.5. Odour: Rancid. 3.2.6. Emotion: Anger. 3.2.7. Organs and officials. 3.3. Is life Worth living? LV 3. 3.4. How flexible are you? GB 34. 3.5. Keep your shoulder well GB 21. 3.6. Neck release GB 20. 3.7. Gate of hope LV 14. 3.8. Tears of frustration GB 41. 3.9. Surviving the spring wind invasion GV 16. 3.10. Jump up and touch the sky GB 30. 3.11. The spirit of Wood BL 47. 3.12. Wood feeds Fire LV 2. 3.13. Transition from Wood to Fire. 4. Fire. 4.1. The Nature of Fire. 4.2. Resonances of Fire. 4.2.1. Season: Summer. 4.2.2. Sense: Speech (touch). 4.2.3. Colour: Red. 4.2.4. Sound: Laughing. 4.2.5. Odour: Scorched. 4.2.6. Emotion: Joy. 4.2.7. Organs and officials. 4.3.
Mind your heart HT 7. 4.4. Choosing wisely SI 7. 4.5. Steady as she goes HP 6. 4.6. Guarding the frontier TH 5. 4.7. Light my fire HP 8. 4.8. Stairway to heaven SI 3. 4.9. A dyslexic guy walks into a bra HP 7. 4.10. Shrugging off shoulder pain SI 10. 4.11. All you need is love CV 17. 4.12. Healing trauma BL 43. 4.13. The spirit of Fire BL 44. 4.14. Transition from summer to late summer. 5. Earth. 5.1. The Nature of Earth. 5.2. Resonances of Earth. 5.2.1. Season: Late summer & transitions. 5.2.2. Sense: Taste. 5.2.3. Colour: Yellow. 5.2.4. Sound: Singing. 5.2.5. Odour: Fragrant. 5.2.6. Emotion: Sympathy & worry. 5.2.7. Organs and officials. 5.3. An army marches on its Stomach 36 ST 36. 5.4. Transport yourself SP 3. 5.5. Happiness is a full tummy ST 40. 5.6. Master of the seas SP 4. 5.7. One for all, all for one SP 6. 5.8. Receiving line ST 13. 5.9. And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core SP 16. 5.10. Return to centre ST 25. 5.11. Mother's embrace SP 21. 5.12.
The spirit of Earth BL 49. 5.13. Transition from Earth to Metal. 6. Metal. 6.1. The Nature of Metal. 6.2. Resonances of Metal. 6.2.1. Season: Autumn or Fall. 6.2.2. Sense: Smell. 6.2.3. Colour: White. 6.2.4. Sound: Weeping. 6.2.5. Odour: Rotten. 6.2.6. Emotion: Grief. 6.2.7. Organs and officials. 6.3. The breath of heaven LU 1. 6.4. Letting go of letting go LI 4. 6.5. Catching a breath, reaching the depth LU 9. 6.6. Anyone for tennis elbow? LI 11. 6.7. Battle of the bulge BL 25. 6.8. A fork in the road LU 7. 6.9. Point of the shoulder LI 15. 6.10. Smell the roses LI 20. 6.11. Skylights LU 3. 6.12. The spirit of Metal BL 42. 6.13. Transition from Metal to Water. Acknowledgements. References. Further Reading.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기The Way of the Five Elements: 52 weeks of powerful acupoints for physical, emotional, and spiritual health; Notes on the Text; Preface; Landscape of the Five Elements; How to use this book; The Five Element model; Origins of the Five Elements; Five Elements go West; Cycles of the Five Elements; Constitutional Element; Principle of resonance; Seasons; Senses; Colours; Sounds of voice; Odours; Emotions; Organs and officials; Point selection; Acupoints; Point names; Point selection; Treating points with acupressure; 1. Water; The nature of Water; Resonances of Water; Season: Winter
Sense: HearingColour: Blue (Black); Sound: Groaning; Odour: Putrid; Emotion: Fear; Organs and officials; Power source point; Location of Kidney 3; Regeneration mountain; Location of Bladder 60; Two extraordinary points; Location of Bladder 62; Location of Kidney 6; Lumba-go; Location of Bladder 23; Fire of the gate of life; Location of Governing Vessel 4; My Achilles is killing me; Location of Bladder 57; Bubbling spring; Location of Kidney 1; Holding up the heavens; Location of Bladder 10; Resurrecting spirit; Location of Kidney 24; The spirit of Water; Location of Bladder 52
Waking from hibernationLocation of Gall Bladder 25; Transition from Water to Wood; 2 Wood; The nature of Wood; Resonances of Wood; Season: Spring; Sense: Seeing; Colour: Green; Sound: Shouting; Odour: Rancid; Emotion: Anger; Organs and officials; Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver; Location of Liver 3; How flexible are you?; Location of Gall Bladder 34; Keep your shoulder well; Location of Gall Bladder 21; Neck release; Location of Gall Bladder 20; Gate of hope; Location of Liver 14; Tears of frustration; Location of Gall Bladder 41; Surviving the spring wind invasion
Location of Governing Vessel 16Jump up and touch the sky; Location of Gall Bladder 30; The spirit of Wood; Location of Bladder 47; Wood feeds Fire; Location of Liver 2; Transition from Wood to Fire; 3 Fire; The nature of Fire; Resonances of Fire; Season: Summer; Sense: Speech (Touch); Colour: Red; Sound: Laughing; Odour: Scorched; Emotion: Joy; Organs and officials; Mind your heart; Location of Heart 7; Choosing wisely; Location of Small Intestine 7; Steady as she goes; Location of Heart Protector 6; Guarding the frontier; Location of Triple Heater 5; Light my fire!
Location of Heart Protector 8Stairway to heaven; Location of Small Intestine 3; A dyslexic guy walks into a bra; Location of Heart Protector 7; Shrugging off shoulder pain; Location of Small Intestine 10; All you need is love; Location of Conception Vessel 17; Healing trauma; Location of Bladder 43; The spirit of Fire; Location of Bladder 44; Transition from Fire to Earth; 4 Earth; The nature of Earth; Resonances of Earth; Season: Late summer and transitions; Sense: Taste; Colour: Yellow; Sound: Singing; Odour: Fragrant; Emotion: Sympathy and worry; Organs and officials
이용제한사항Owing to Legal Deposit regulations this resource may only be accessed from within National Library of Scotland. For more information contact enquiries@nls.uk.
일반주제명Medicine, Chinese.
Self-care, Health.
Medicine, Chinese Traditional.
MEDICAL -- Acupuncture.
Medicine, Chinese.
Self-care, Health.
기타형태 저록Print version:Kirkwood, John.Way of the Five Elements.97818481927061848192703


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