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Dining with the famous and infamous /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Ross, Fiona, 1966-, author.
서명/저자사항Dining with the famous and infamous /Fiona Ross.
형태사항1 online resource (245 pages)
총서사항Dining with destiny series, as part of the Rowman & Littlefield studies in food and gastronomy
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기1. DINING WITH FAMOUS AND INFAMOUS ARTISTS. Salvador Dali? -- Mark Rothko -- Paul Gauguin and Vincent Van Gogh -- Andy Warhol -- Auguste Renoir -- Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo -- Pablo Picasso -- 2. DINING WITH FAMOUS AND INFAMOUS MOVIE STARS. Joan Crawford -- Michael Caine -- Laurel & Hardy -- Cary Grant -- Marlene Dietrich -- Alfred Hitchcock -- Liz Taylor -- John Wayne -- Marilyn Monroe -- Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall -- Woody Allen -- 3. DINING WITH FAMOUS AND INFAMOUS MUSICIANS. The Beatles -- Louis Armstrong -- Frank Sinatra -- Woody Guthrie -- Bob Dylan -- Bob Marley -- Michael Jackson -- The Rolling Stone -- 4. DINING WITH FAMOUS AND INFAMOUS WRITERS. Evelyn Waugh -- C. S. Lewis -- Ernest Hemingway -- F. Scott Fitzgerald -- John Steinbeck -- J. D. Salinger -- Ian Fleming -- W. H. Auden -- George Orwell -- Agatha Christie -- Oscar Wilde -- Sylvia Plath -- 5. FINALLY, THE NUTS. Casanova -- Sybil Leek -- Nostradamus -- Aleister Crowley.
요약"Dining with the Famous and Infamous is an entertaining journey into the gastronomic peccadilloes of celebrities, stars, and notorious public figures. From outrageous artists to masterpiece authors, from rock stars to actors - everybody eats. Based on the findings of the British gastro-detective Fiona Ross, this volume explores the palates, the plates, and the preferences of the famous and infamous. Including recipes and their stories in the lives of those who cooked, ordered or ate them, Ross invites you to taste the culinary secret lives of people like Alfred Hitchcock, Frank Sinatra, and Woody Allen, among many others. Food voyeurism has arrived. If you've ever wondered whether George Orwell really swigged Victory Gin or whether cherries played their part in the fall of Oscar Wilde, then Dining with the Famous and Infamous will satisfy your appetite. Marilyn Monroe becomes a different kind of sex goddess when you discover she tried to eat her way out of Some Like It Hot with aubergine parmigiana: every curve you see on film is a protest (plus early signs of pregnancy!). You can recreate a 'Get Gassed' afternoon cocktail with Andy Warhol and Truman Capote; shake up the chocolate martini Liz Taylor and Rock Hudson invented on the set of Giant; and even relive the Swinging Sixties with the foodie tales, hedonism and hashish cookies of Bob Dylan, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones. Who wouldn't want to sit at the table of their favorite film star, writer, artist or warlock and taste a piece of their lives?"--Provided by publisher.
Celebrities -- Miscellanea.
Antiheroes -- Miscellanea.
Food habits -- History -- Miscellanea.
Food in popular culture -- History -- Miscellanea.
COOKING -- General.
Food habits.
Food in popular culture.
기타형태 저록Print version:Ross, Fiona, 1966-Dining with the famous and infamous.Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, [2016]9781442252257


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