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Justice performed : courtroom tv shows and the theaters of popular law /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Kozinn, Sarah.
서명/저자사항Justice performed :courtroom tv shows and the theaters of popular law /Sarah Kozinn.
발행사항London : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2015.
형태사항1 online resource (xiii, 263 pages)
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks

내용주기List of Illustrations; Acknowledgments and Attributions; Attributions; (In order of appearance); Preface: A Long Day in "Court"; Introduction: "Judge Judy did not prepare me for this"; Reproducing small claims; Appearances of justice; From the courtroom drama to reality courtroom TV; Chapter 1 Becoming the People's Judges: Staging Reality Courtroom TV Law; Becoming Judge Judy; The gavel bangers; The "Village Chieftain"; It's Joe time; The b(l)ack story: The courtroom of second chances; "I know you"; Justice served spicy; There's only one queen in this courtroom.
Connecting to the judgeChapter 2 The Law/Theater Continuum: Performing Real Disputes on Courtroom Stages; Beneath the small claims: Casting the dramas; Locating the dramas: The personal/social conflict; The aesthetic drama; The audience role; Playing the audience; The audience vantage point: Seeing the seams; Nonacting on reality courtroom TV; The editorial wink; Home/studio; Chapter 3 The Compassionate Courtroom; The compassion and mercy that justice brings; The reality courtroom morality play; Judge Hatchett's intervention: "I Got My Eye on You"; Alonzo Mourning saves a troubled teen.
Chapter 5Appendix; Bibliography; Unpublished interviews with author; Author Biography; Index.
요약Justice performed: Courtroom tv shows and the theaters of popular law' is the first study of the reality TV genre to trace its theatrical legacy, connecting the phenomenon of the daytime TV shows to a long history of theatrical trials staged to educate audiences in pedagogies of citizenship. It examines how judge TV fulfills part of law's performative function: that of providing a participatory spectacle the public can recognize as justice. Since it debuted in 1981 with The People's Court, which made famous its star jurist, Judge Joseph A. Wapner, dozens of judges have made the move to television. Unlike the demographics in actual courts, most TV judges are non-white men and women hailing from diverse cultural and racial backgrounds. These judges charge their decisions with personal preferences and cultural innuendos, painting a very different picture of what justice looks like. Drawing on interviews with judge TV judges, producers and production staff, as well as the author's experience as a studio audience member, the book scrutinizes the performativity of the genre, the needs it meets and the inherent ideological biases about race, gender and civic instruction.
일반주제명Legal television programs -- United States -- History and criticism.
Law on television.
Justice, Administration of, on television.
Justice, Administration of, on television.
Justice, Administration of.
Lawyers on television.
Justice, Administration of, on television.
Law on television.
Legal television programs.
주제명(지명)United States. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Kozinn, Sarah.Justice performed.London : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 201597814725323431472532341


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