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The Compassionate Practitioner : How to create a successful and rewarding practice

상세 프로파일

개인저자Wood, Jane.
서명/저자사항The Compassionate Practitioner :How to create a successful and rewarding practice.
발행사항London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2014.
형태사항1 online resource (210 pages)
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks
일반주기 Chapter 13. The Self-Reflective Journal.
내용주기THE COMPASSIONATE PRACTITIONER: How to Create a Sucessful and Rewarding Practice; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Chapter 1. The Power of Positive Thinking; Focusing on your success; Success attracts more success; Positive visualization; Practical visualization; Know your own strengths; Develop an attitude of success; Chapter 2. Before the Patient Arrives; Personal preparation; The patient's first contact; Preparing the consulting room; Just before the patient arrives; Be prepared; Chapter 3. Relationship Models in the Consulting Room; Paternalism and mutuality: two different models.
The Drama TriangleTransference and countertransference; The three ego states; The inner judge and the inner justifier; Choosing a neutral role; Compassion and the unprejudiced observer; The key is courtesy; Chapter 4. Safety and the Working Agreement; Maslow's first level: physiological needs; Maslow's second level: safety needs; The session contract; Making a working agreement with children; Re-contracting; Maslow's third level: needs of love, affection and belongingness; Maslow's fourth level: esteem; Creating the right conditions for healing; Chapter 5. Mindfulness; Being in the present.
Mindfulness and sciencePractising mindfulness; The body scan; Meditation; Mindfulness in nature; Listening awareness; Doing routine actions mindfully; Observe like an alien; Observe yourself; Three-minute meditation; One-minute meditation: stop the traffic; Getting off the treadmill; Chapter 6. Skills for Case-Taking; Homeopathic case-taking; In the consulting room; Questioning skills: getting the patient to say more; Listening skills: the gift of being quiet; Observation skills: working with non-verbal communication; Observe yourself: you are part of the dynamic; Effective case-taking.
Chapter 7. Reducing your Prejudices and Limiting BeliefsLimiting beliefs; Prejudices; Accept what is; Chapter 8. Planning the Way Forward; Feedback and prognosis; Asking the patient to do homework; Prepared handouts; Collaboration; Chapter 9. Setting and Maintaining Boundaries; Boundaries create structure; Physical boundaries; Personal space; Emotional boundaries; Dual relationships; Sexual boundaries; Professional boundaries; Time and money boundaries; Setting and maintaining boundaries; Compassion within a framework; Chapter 10. Solving Ethical Dilemmas; Why do we need codes of ethics?
SafetyConfidentiality; Dignity; Autonomy; Ethical conflicts; Principles from moral philosophy; Ethics are easy, ethical conflicts are complex; Chapter 11. Finishing the Session and Closure; Finishing a session; Holiday cover; Patients who do not return; In conclusion; Chapter 12. Self-Care for the Practitioner; Burnout; Strategies for self-care; Taking care of your physical body; Relaxation, spoiling yourself and having fun; Laughter; Separating from the patient; Getting support; Taming the voices within; Have compassion for yourself; Developing your own strategies.
요약This handbook for alternative practitioners is full of practical advice about creating a thriving practice. It explores the practitioner-patient relationship at every stage of the consultation process to demonstrate how to establish trust and loyalty and meet patients' emotional needs so they continue to return.
일반주제명Positive psychology.
Therapist and patient.
Psychotherapist and patient.
PSYCHOLOGY -- Applied Psychology.
SELF-HELP -- Personal Growth -- General.
SELF-HELP -- Personal Growth -- Happiness.
SELF-HELP -- Personal Growth -- Success.
Positive psychology.
Psychotherapist and patient.
Therapist and patient.
기타형태 저록Print version:Wood, Jane.Compassionate Practitioner : How to create a successful and rewarding practice.London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 짤20149781848192225


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