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Essential Cognitive Psychology

상세 프로파일

개인저자Parkin, Alan J.
서명/저자사항Essential Cognitive Psychology.
발행사항Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 2014.
형태사항1 online resource (369 pages)
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks
일반주기 13. Language: Speaking and thinking.
내용주기Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; Preface; 1. The origins of cognitive psychology; Behaviourism; Gestalt psychology; Skinner and language; The birth of modern cognitive psychology; The computer analogy; Using human information processing as a scientific theory; Nativism and nomotheism; Good and bad cognitive psychology; Connectionism; Cognitive neuropsychology; Cognitive neuroscience; Overview; Suggested further reading; Revision questions; 2. Visual perception; Forms of perceptual process; Object recognition; Overview of theories of perception.
OverviewSuggested further reading; Revision questions; 3. Attention; Selective attention; Resource models of attention; Selection and resources in attention; Norman and Shallice's model; Covert attention; Overview; Suggested further reading; Revision questions; 4. Memory: Short-term storage; Memory and the behaviourist era; Memory and cognitive psychology; The serial position curve; Short-term and long-term store; Sensory memory; Echoic memory; Recency and STS capacity; Long-term recency; Is STS still a valid concept?; Drugs and STS; Amnesia and recency effects; Overview.
Suggested further readingRevision questions; 5. Memory: Long-term store; The organisation of long-term store; A three component model of LTS; Experimental evidence; Amnesia and the episodic-semantic distinction; Implicit and explicit memory; Implicit learning; Overview; Suggested further reading; Revision questions; 6. Memory: Codes, processes, and loops; Memory codes; Codes in verbal memory; Levels of processing; Working memory; Overview; Suggested further reading; Revision questions; 7. Memory: Remembering and forgetting; How do we know memory is selective?; Theories of remembering.
Clarifying our termsGeneration-recognition; Forgetting; Context; Components of recognition memory; Subjective differences in recognition memory; Process dissociation framework; Repression, false memory and hypnosis; Overview; Suggested further reading; Revision questions; 8. Knowledge; Experimental evidence; Meaning in terms of defining attributes; Overview; Suggested further reading; Revision questions; 9. Imagery; Knowledge as propositions; Imagery as an experimental variable; The dual coding hypothesis; Arguments against mental imagery; Imagery as perception.
Neuropsychological evidence for mental imageryConclusion; Overview; Suggested further reading; Revision questions; 10. Language: Speech recognition; The nature of true language; Speech recognition; Overview; Suggested further reading; Revision questions; 11. Language: Word recognition and reading; Eye movements; Word recognition; Overview; Suggested further reading; Revision questions; 12. Language: Comprehension; Competence and performance; Transformational grammar; Syntax, clauses, and memory; Inference; Overview; Suggested further reading; Revision questions.
요약This new textbook provides a clear, fundamental grounding in cognitive psychology for beginning undergraduates. Essential Cognitive Psychology fills the void between low level introductory texts and more advanced books on the topic. This book provides the reader with highly accessible overviews of all core topics in the field. These are designed to be a strong basis for developing further interest in cognitive psychology but, at the same time, provide a self-contained account suitable for all students in psychology whose training requires degree-level competence in the subject. Beginn.
일반주제명Cognitive psychology.
Cognitive psychology.
PSYCHOLOGY -- Cognitive Psychology.
SCIENCE -- Cognitive Science.
Cognitive psychology.
기타형태 저록Print version:Parkin, Alan J.Essential Cognitive Psychology.Hoboken : Taylor and Francis, 짤20149780863776724


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