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Interest groups and health care reform across the United States [electronic resource] /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Gray, Virginia, 1945-
Lowery, David, 1952-
Benz, Jennifer K.
서명/저자사항Interest groups and health care reform across the United States[electronic resource] /Virginia Gray, David Lowery, and Jennifer K. Benz.
발행사항Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, c2013.
형태사항1 online resource (xii, 236 p.) : ill.
총서사항American governance and public policy series
ISBN1589019903 (electronic bk.)
9781589019904 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Interest organizations and health reform in a federal context -- The theory and structure of health interest communities in the states -- State pharmacy assistance programs as innovations -- The politics of managing managed care -- Universal health care in the states -- Conclusion.
요약Universal health care was on the national political agenda for nearly a hundred years until a comprehensive (but not universal) health care reform bill supported by President Obama passed in 2010. The most common explanation for the failure of past reform efforts is that special interests were continually able to block reform by lobbying lawmakers. Yet, beginning in the 1970s, accelerating with the failure of the Clinton health care plan, and continuing through the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, health policy reform was alive and well at the state level. Interest Groups and Health Care Reform across the United States assesses the impact of interest groups to determine if collectively they are capable of shaping policy in their own interests or whether they influence policy only at the margins. What can this tell us about the true power of interest groups in this policy arena? The fact that state governments took action in health policy in spite of opposing interests, where the national government could not, offers a compelling puzzle that will be of special interest to scholars and students of public policy, health policy, and state politics.
일반주제명Health care reform -- United States.
Medical policy -- United States.
Pressure groups -- United States.
MEDICAL / Health Risk Assessment.
MEDICAL / Health Policy.
State Government -- United States.
Public Opinion -- United States.
Politics -- United States.
Health Policy -- United States.
Federal Government -- United States.
Health Care Reform -- United States.
기타형태 저록Print version:Gray, Virginia, 1945-Interest groups and health care reform across the United States.Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, c20139781589019898


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