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Tracks and treks in translation studies : selected papers from the EST Congress, Leuven 2010 [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Way, Catherine.
Vandepitte, Sonia.
Meylaerts, Reine.
Bartlomiejczyk, Magdalena.
서명/저자사항Tracks and treks in translation studies[electronic resource] :selected papers from the EST Congress, Leuven 2010.
발행사항Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2013.
형태사항1 online resource (304 pages).
총서사항Benjamins Translation Library
ISBN9789027271426 (electronic bk.)
9027271429 (electronic bk.)
일반주기 2. Variability in quality assessment: Methodological shortcomings and sociopersonal variables.
내용주기Introduction; References; Who's who and what's what in Translation Studies; 1. Introduction; 2. The impact factor; 2.1 The notion of impact factor; 2.2 The main drawbacks of the impact factor; 3. BITRA as a source of data for the measurement of impact; 3.1 What is BITRA?; 3.2 Advantages and limitations of the criteria used in the mining of impact; 3.3 Raw data of impact -- BITRA as of July 2010; 4. The methodology for an IF derived from BITRA; 5. A list of the 51 most cited publications in TS Classified by their impact factor for 2000-09 (Source: BITRA, July 2010).
6. Some interesting regularitiesReferences; Top 51; Secondary sources; Translation in the network economy; 1. Introduction; 2. The delicate balance in transcultural communication, where the individual meets the social; 3. Network economy; 4. Characteristics of the digital network economy; 5. Translation networks, informal and formal cooperation; 6. Follow-up business network case study, the before-after method; 7. Setting and findings of the follow-up study; 7.1 Expansion and merger; 7.2 Focus on core competencies; 7.3 Increased computerisation; 7.4 Introduction of a project management system.
7.5 New selection criteria for suppliers8. Research and methodological effects of the changes; 9. Summary and Discussion; References; Many tracks lead to the goal; 1. Introduction; 2. Long-term study; 2.1 Long-term studies -- longitudinal studies; 3. Attention, reflection, decisions and changes; 3.1 Changes; 4. Experimental design 1997 and 2007; 4.1 Product evaluation and analysis of the results; 5. Results with respect to changes; 5.1 Average results; 5.2 Individual results; 5.2.1 Revisions and reformulations together; 5.2.2 Keystrokes per minute.
6. Discussion of the results: Assumptions and outlook6.1 Successful translating and average values; 6.2 When do translators develop their own translation style?; 6.3 Do all translators have their own style?; References; Triangulating translational creativity scores; 1. Introduction; 2. The combined (product/process) approach to measuring creativity; 3. Think-aloud influence; 3.1 Influence on the creative performance; 3.2 Amount of verbalisation; 3.3 Comparability of data; 3.4 Alternative data elicitation methods; 3.5 Preliminary conclusions about the usefulness of TA data.
4. The product-oriented approach5. Comparison of results; 6. Benefits of process analyses; 7. Conclusion; References; Translation revision; 1. Introduction; 2. Methodology; 2.1 Participants; 2.2 Material; 2.3 Experimentation flow; 2.4 Data-collection instruments; 2.5 Method of data analysis; 3. Results; 3.1 Product data; 3.2 Process data; 3.2.1 Revision duration; 3.2.2 Error-detection potential; 3.3 Discussion; 4. Conclusions; References; Understanding variability in interpreting quality assessment; 1. Pleasant voice in studies on interpreting quality assessment.
요약This paper aims to show the most important tendencies of the first Portuguese version of the famous and wondrous adventures of the baron of Mu?nchhausen. This is an untitled text which was published by Jose? Daniel Rodrigues da Costa in Almocreve de Petas (1797-1800), at that time a well-known and very popular magazine. After concluding that the Portuguese adaptation is somehow due not to R.E. Raspe's but to G.A. Bu?rger's version, the author analyzes some representative changes introduced by Rodrigues da Costa, relating them to the specific production and reception conditions which exis.
일반주제명Translating and interpreting -- Congresses.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY -- Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES -- Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES -- Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES -- Linguistics -- General.
기타형태 저록Print version:Way, Catherine.Tracks and Treks in Translation Studies : Selected papers from the EST Congress, Leuven 2010.Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 짤20139789027224590


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