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Knowledge-based economic policy development in the Arab world /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Driouchi, Ahmed, 1948, editor of compilation, author.
단체저자명Forum Eurome?diterrane?en des Instituts de Sciences E?conomiques,sponsoring body.
서명/저자사항Knowledge-based economic policy development in the Arab world /Ahmed Driouchi, [editor].
형태사항1 online resource (xxiii, 439 pages).
총서사항Advances in finance, accounting, and economics (AFAE) book series
ISBN9781466652118 (ebook)
146665211X (ebook)

일반주기 "FEMISE, Forum Eurome?diterrane?en des Instituts de Sciences E?conomiques."
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Knowledge economy in the Arab world: towards new economic development policies / Ahmed Driouchi -- Why a benchmarking with EEE countries? / Cristina Boboc, Emilia Titan -- School attainment, knowledge economy in Arab countries, and comparisons with EEE economies / Ghita Bentouila, Alae Gamar -- The situation of knowledge economy in the Arab and EEE regions / Daniel Pele -- Knowledge, local development, and urbanization in Arab economies / Nada Zouag, Ahmed Driouchi -- How local development is achieved in relation to knowledge in EEE countries / Cristina Boboc, Emilia Titan -- Production, trade, knowledge economy, and ICTs in Arab countries / Nada Zouag, Amale Achehboune -- The oil and gas sectors, renewable energy, and environmental performance in the Arab world / Hajar El Alouani, Ahmed Driouchi -- Harnessing knowledge for sustainable development: challenges and opportunities for Arab countries / Abdelkader Djeflat -- Intellectual property rights, innovation, and knowledge economy in Arab countries / Nada Zouag, Molk Kadiri -- Unemployment persistence, risks of skill obsolescence, and impacts on the knowledge economy in Arab countries / Amale Acheboune, Ahmed Driouchi -- Education attainment and feminization of labor markets in Arab countries with comparisons to Eastern and Central European countries / Fatima-Zohra Filali Adib, Amale Achehboune -- Rents from natural resources and relations to knowledge economy in Arab countries / Ahmed Driouchi -- Doing business and imperfections in the development of knowledge economy in the Arab countries / Ahmed Driouchi -- Knowledge governance and economic growth in Arab countries / Antonio Rodriguez Andre?s -- Policy outcomes and what can be learned by Arab countries from EEE economies / Cristina Boboc, Emilia Titan.
요약"This book focuses on knowledge economy as the most important engine for economic growth and development under the globalizing world economies and analyzes the major issues that constrain further access to knowledge economy in the Arab countries"--
일반주제명Knowledge economy -- Arab countries.
Economic development projects -- Arab countries.
Economic development -- Arab countries.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industries / General.
주제명(지명)Arab countries -- Economic conditions.
기타형태 저록Print version:Knowledge-based economic policy development in the Arab world.Hershey, PA : Business Science Reference, [2014]9781466652101


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