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Aging heroes : growing old in popular culture /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Jones, Norma, 1972, editor.
Batchelor, Bob, editor.
서명/저자사항Aging heroes :growing old in popular culture /edited by Norma Jones and Bob Batchelor.
형태사항1 online resource.

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction: on the silver screen: aging heroes in film genres -- Twilight heroes: old age and unfinished business in four "Heartland" films / Cynthia J. Miller -- Golden agers, recluses and John Wayne: aging stereotypes and aging heroes in movie westerns / Mei-Chen Lin and Paul Haridakis -- Aaadrriaan! I'll be baaaaaack! Schwarzenegger and Stallone as aging action heroes / Norma Jones -- Under the wide and starry sky: Hollywood and aging astronauts, 1996-2000 / A. Bowdoin Van Riper -- Diversity concerns: sexuality, race and gender. Queering aging? representations of Liberace's intimate life in HBO's Behind the candelabra / Gust A. Yep, Ryan Lescure, and Jace Allen -- Overcoming the villainous monster: the beginnings of heroic gay male aging / Dustin Bradley Goltz -- The power of performance: Tyler Perry's Madea as village sage and superwoman / Carlos D. Morrison, Jacqueline Allen Trimble, and Ayoleke D. Okeowo -- "Not bad for an abuela, eh?": the representation of the power of age in Maya & Miguel / Emily S. Kinsky and Amanda Gallagher -- Babes and crones: women growing old in comics / Caryn E. Neumann -- Being a man? masculinity and aging heroes. Aging masculinity in popular culture: the case of Mad men's Roger Sterling / Patrice M. Buzzanell and Suzy D'Enbeau -- Aging superheroes: retirement and return in Kingdom come and Old man Logan / Nathan Miczo -- Mr. incredible, the man-of-action, the man-of-power: what if he loses it all? / It'r Erhart and Hande Eslen-ziya -- "He has to be good. The airline won't settle for less": gender, age, and the trope of the male pilot in advertising / Guilliaume De Syon -- Real to reel: individuals aging on and off the screen. Helen Mirren and the media portrayals of aging: women's sexuality concealed and revealed / Barbara Cook Overton, Athena Du Pre?, and Loretta l. Pecchioni -- Hellraiser, dandy, eccentric: the evolving star persona of Peter O'Toole in the 1980s and beyond / Anna Thompson Hajdik -- The Betty White moment: the rhetoric of constructing aging and sexuality / Kathleen Turner -- The re-characterization of age and the aging bricoleur: Danny Trejo's reinvention of aging in acting / Salvador Jimenez-Murguia.
일반주제명Older people in mass media.
Older people in popular culture.
Heroes in mass media.
Heroes in mass media.
Older people in mass media.
Older people in popular culture.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Discrimination & Race Relations.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Minority Studies.
기타형태 저록Print version:Aging heroes9781442250062


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