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Meeting China halfway : how to defuse the emerging US-China rivalry /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Goldstein, Lyle, author.
서명/저자사항Meeting China halfway :how to defuse the emerging US-China rivalry /Lyle J. Goldstein.
형태사항1 online resource.

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction -- Bad blood : the legacy of history for US-China relations -- Imagine : the Taiwan question and US-China relations -- Mutually assured dependence : economic aspects of US-China relations -- Toxic embrace : the environment and US-China relations -- South-south "pivot" : the developing world and US-China relations -- Persian spring : the Middle East and US-China relations -- Bipolarity reconsidered : the Korean peninsula and US-China relations -- Lodestone : Japan and US-China relations -- The new Fulda gap : Southeast Asia and US-China relations -- Alter ego : India and US-China relations -- Conclusion : rebalancing the rebalance : mitigating tendencies toward strategic rivalry in US-China relations.
요약China's expanding economic and military power, and the US response to the challenge of China's rise are shaping international relations in the twenty-first century. A breakdown in this relationship could bring about a situation reminiscent of the Cold War. Lyle Goldstein argues that while conflict is not predetermined, there are worrying signs that the relationship is becoming an increasingly chilly and dangerous rivalry. The main purposes of this book are to analyze the trajectory of the relationship, to examine both US views and Chinese views of the other, and to propose concrete steps to reverse a perilous deterioration in the relationship. He examines key flash points or difficult issues in the US-China relationship in depth, such as Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, Japan, economic issues, and climate change, to name a few. A unique feature of the book is that Goldstein's language skills allowed him to incorporate Chinese military and diplomatic publications to a degree that few in the West have been able to in the past. Goldstein is under no illusions that compromise is easy, but he calls for both the US and China to take steps to seek an accommodation of interests in the Pacific and globally to avoid a dangerous strategic rivalry.
일반주제명Diplomatic relations.
International economic relations.
Military relations.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / International.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / General.
주제명(지명)United States -- Foreign relations -- China.China -- Foreign relations -- United States.United States -- Military relations -- China.China -- Military relations -- United States.United States -- Foreign economic relations -- China.China -- Foreign economic relations -- United States.China. -- fastUnited States. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Goldstein, Lyle, author.Meeting China halfway9781626161603


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