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Managing business risk : a practical guide to protecting your business / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Reuvid, Jonathan.
서명/저자사항Managing business risk[electronic resource] :a practical guide to protecting your business /consulting editor, Jonathan Reuvid.
판사항10th ed.
발행사항London : Kogan Page, 2014.
형태사항1 online resource (224 pages)

일반주기 3.1 Getting food safety assessment right.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Foreword by Steve Fowler; Contributors' notes; Introduction; Part One Boardroom risk concerns and strategies; 1.1 Beyond resilience: turning volatility and uncertainty into business opportunity; Where traditional resilience management often falls short; Taking a new approach; Advanced resilience; High performance: going beyond resilience; Beyond resilience: components; Case study Going beyond resilience: an example; Conclusion; Notes; References; 1.2 Managing business disputes through mediation; Introduction; Mediation defined; How mediation works.
Mediation and adjudication (litigation and arbitration) contrastedHow a mediator engages in facilitated negotiations; Preparing for mediation; Deciding whether or not to settle; The landscape of mediation; Conclusion; 1.3 Corporate greed in the capitalist garden of good and evil; Introduction; 'Greed is alright, by the way. I think greed is healthy ... ' (Ivan Boesky, 1986); 'Culture eats strategy for breakfast' (Peter Drucker); The culture of employee fraud; The culture of the rogue trader; Case study Rogue traders; The culture of the Ponzi scheme; The role of the risk management function.
Insurance as a potential risk mitigantConclusion; Note; 1.4 Recent and expected changes to regulatory reform; Changes in tribunal litigation; Families and flexible working; TUPE reform; Hot topic for 2014: holiday pay calculations; Conclusion; 1.5 Contracts which do not reflect the agreement reached; The risks posed; Objectives; The potential solutions; Choosing the solution; Overall business risk; Part Two Managing information and online risk; 2.1 Managing business opportunities and information risks; Introduction; 'Balancing' opportunity and risk management.
Scenario 1: Mobile devices (BYOD/BYOT)Scenario 2: Using big data to secure the enterprise; Scenario 3: Connecting engineering and corporate networks; Scenario 4: What the future might hold -- the internet of things; Conclusions and recommendations; Notes; Appendix; 2.2 Accountability for information practices; Introduction; What is accountability?; Achieving accountability; Conclusion; Notes; 2.3 Selling online: the EU Consumer Rights Directive; Introduction; What is a consumer?; What are the key changes for online sales to consumers?; What are the new information requirements?
Clear and comprehensive informationTechnical constraints in providing information; What are the new cancellation rights?; When is there no right to cancel?; What hidden costs are prohibited?; Are the new provisions in the Directive mandatory?; How will the Directive be enforced against online traders?; Summary; Reference; 2.4 The Systemic Risk Survey 2013; Introduction; Probability of a high-impact event; Confidence in the UK financial system; Key risks to the UK financial system; Risks most challenging to manage as a firm; Conclusion; Part Three Operational risk and key employment issues.
요약Effective risk management - the identification, assessment and prioritization of risks - is a vital consideration when looking to safeguard your company's commercial future and deal with the latest regulatory requirements. Managing Business Risk will enable your company to maintain controls on risks that may threaten your business while at the same time delivering transparent reporting to your stakeholders. The book examines the key areas of risk in today's competitive and complex business market. Drawing on expert advice from leading risk consultants, lawyers and regulatory authorities, it shows you how to protect your business against a rising tide of risks.
일반주제명Risk management.
Business enterprises -- Finance.
Decision making.
Risk management.
기타형태 저록Print version:Reuvid, Jonathan.Managing Business Risk : A Practical Guide to Protecting Your Business.London : Kogan Page, 짤20149780749470432


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