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The Routledge companion to modern Christian thought /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Meister, Chad V., 1965, editor.
Beilby, James K., editor.
서명/저자사항The Routledge companion to modern Christian thought /edited by Chad Meister and James Beilby.
형태사항1 online resource (xvii, 867 pages)
ISBN9781136677922 (electronic bk.)
1136677925 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Introduction /Chad Meister and James Beilby --Part I: Key figures.Immanuel Kant /Pamela Sue Anderson ;Friedrich Schleiermacher /Andrew C. Dole ;G.W.F. Hegel /Cyril O'Regan ;Charles Hodge /Paul Kjoss Helseth ;Ludwig Feuerbach /Douglas Moggach and Widukind de Ridder ;Charles Darwin /Michael Ruse ;S첩ren Kierkegaard /R. Zachary Manis and C. Stephen Evans ;Abraham Kuyper /John Bolt ;William James /Michael R. Slater ;Friedrich Nietzsche /Bruce Ellis Benson ;Adolf von Harnack /George Newlands ;Rudolf Bultmann /David Fergusson ;Paul Tillich /Russell Re Manning ;Karl Barth /Kevin W. Hector ;Charles Hartshorne /Daniel A. Dombrowski ;Henri de Lubac /Susan K. Wood ;Karl Rahner /Mark F. Fischer ;Hans Urs von Balthasar /Edward T. Oakes, S.J. ;Simone Weil /Ann Loades ;Dietrich Bonhoeffer /John W. De Gruchy ;Ju?rgen Moltmann /Thomas R. Thompson ;Rosemary Radford Ruether /Krista Hughes --Part II: Major events and movements.Enlightenment /Garrett Green ;The scientific revolution /Joshua M. Moritz ;Pietism /Craig D. Atwood ;Existentialism /Kyle A. Roberts and Silas Morgan ;Fundamentalism /Harriet A. Harris ;Liberal theology /J.B. Stump ;Deism /Alan Charles Kors ;Romanticism /Daniel N. Robinson ;Phenomenology /Dermot Moran ;Vatican II /Francis Schu?ssler Fiorenza --Part III: Theological loci.Prolegomena /Charles Taliaferro ;The Bible /William J. Abraham ;Doctrine of God /Brian Hebblethwaite ;Christology /Gerald O'Collins, S.J. ;Theological anthropology /D. Lyle Dabney ;Eschatology /Philip Tallon and Jerry L. Walls ;Ecclesiology /Scot McKnight ;Missiology /Darrell L. Guder ;Pneumatology /Peter Zimmerling ;Soteriology /Paul K. Moser ;The Trinity /Thomas H. McCall ;Apologetics /John G. Stackhouse, Jr. --Part IV: Theological approaches.Anglican theology /Mark Chapman ;Roman Catholic theology /Lawrence S. Cunningham ;Eastern Orthodox theology /Aristotle Papanikolaou ;Evangelical theology /Roger E. Olson ;Liberation theology /Andrew Bradstock ;Process theology /John B. Cobb, Jr. ;Feminist theology /Rosemary Radford Ruether ;Black theology /Anthony G. Reddie ;African theology /Edward P. Antonio ;Asian theology /Sebastian C.H. Kim ;Pentecostal and charismatic theology /Amos Yong ;Radical orthodoxy /D. Stephen Long --Part V: Recent currents.Christian theology of religions /Gavin D'Costa ;Theology and ethics /Linda Zagzebski ;Theology and science /John Polkinghorne ;Panentheism /Philip Clayton ;Christian naturalism /Jerome A. Stone ;Systematic theology /Kevin J. Vanhoozer ;Biblical theology /T. Desmond Alexander ;Christian philosophical theology /Stephen T. Davis ;Theology and postmodernity /John R. Franke ;Environmental theology /Jay McDaniel ;Ecumenical theology /Martin E. Marty ;Theology and race /Willie James Jennings ;Theology and culture /Robert K. Johnston ;Christianity in the majority world /Harvey Cox, Jr. ;Neurotheology /Wesley J. Wildman and Ian R. Cooley ;Astrotheology /Ted Peters.
요약"This Companion provides an unrivalled view of the field of modern Christian thought, from the Enlightenment to the twentieth century and beyond. Written by an outstanding team of theologians and philosophers of religion, it covers the following topics: - Key figures and influencers - Central events and movements - Major theological issues and key approaches to Christian Theology - Recent topics and trends in Christian thought Each entry is clear and accessible, making the book the ideal resource for students of Christian thought and the history and philosophy of religion. It is also a valuable reference for professional theologians and philosophers"--
일반주제명Theology, Doctrinal -- History -- Modern period, 1500-
RELIGION -- General.
Theology, Doctrinal -- Modern period.
RELIGION / Christian Theology / Systematic.
RELIGION / Christianity / General.
기타형태 저록Print version:Routledge companion to modern Christian thought9780415782173


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