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Game changer : animal rights and the fate of Africa's wildlife / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Martin, Glen, 1949-
서명/저자사항Game changer[electronic resource] :animal rights and the fate of Africa's wildlife /Glen Martin.
판사항1st ed.
발행사항Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2012.
형태사항1 online resource (ix, 254 p.) : ill., maps.
ISBN9780520952058 (electronic bk.)
0520952057 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Never an Eden -- The man who hated hyenas -- Dreaming the peaceable kingdom -- From automata to sentient beings -- My cow trumps your lion -- Death to l'Ancien Re?gime -- Reality check -- The Kenya model -- An inalienable right -- Buy (or lease) it and they will come -- Even the cows must pay -- Elephant man -- The sage reconsiders -- Commodifying conservation -- Not a primary issue of concern -- Hard choices -- The nation on a plate -- Topsoil and condoms -- Summing up in Diani.
요약"Are conservation and protecting animals the same thing? In Game Changer, award-winning environmental reporter Glen Martin takes a fresh look at this question as it applies to Africa's megafauna. Martin assesses the rising influence of the animal rights movement and finds that the policies championed by animal welfare groups could lead paradoxically to the elimination of the very species--including elephants and lions--that are the most cherished. In his anecdotal and highly engaging style, Martin takes readers to the heart of the conflict. He revisits the debate between conservationists, who believe that people whose lives are directly impacted by the creation of national parks and preserves should be compensated, versus those who believe that restrictive protection that forbids hunting is the most effective way to conserve wildlife and habitats. Focusing on the different approaches taken by Kenya, Tanzania, and Namibia, Martin vividly shows how the world's last great populations of wildlife have become the hostages in a fight between those who love animals and those who would save them"--
일반주제명Animal welfare -- Africa.
Animal rights -- Africa.
Animal rights -- Environmental aspects -- Africa.
Wildlife conservation -- Africa.
Animal rights activists -- Africa.
Animal rights movement -- Africa.
NATURE -- Animal Rights.
Animal rights.
Animal rights activists.
Animal rights -- Environmental aspects.
Animal rights movement.
Animal welfare.
Wildlife conservation.
주제명(지명)Africa. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Martin, Glen, 1949-Game changer.1st ed.Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 2012


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