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The universe in zero words : the story of mathematics as told through equations / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Mackenzie, Dana.
서명/저자사항The universe in zero words[electronic resource] :the story of mathematics as told through equations /Dana Mackenzie.
발행사항Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2012.
형태사항1 online resource (224 p.) : ill. (some col.).
ISBN9781400841684 (electronic bk.)
1400841682 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-221) and index.
내용주기Pt. 1. Equations of antiquity -- 1. Why we believe in arithmatic: the world's simplest equation -- 2. Resisting a new concept: the discovery of zero -- 3. The square of the hypotenuse: the Pythagorean theorem -- 4. The circle game: the discovery of [pi] -- From Zeno's paradoxes to the idea of infinity -- 6. A matter of leverage: laws of levers -- Pt. 2. Equations in the age of exploration -- 7. the stammerer's secret: Cardano's formula -- 8. Order in the heavens: Kepler's laws of planetary motion -- 9. Writing for eternity: Fermat's last theorem -- 10. An unexplored continent: the fundamental theorem of calculus -- 11. Of apples, legends ... and comets: Newton's laws -- 12. The great explorer: Euler's therems -- Pt. 3 Equations in a promethean age -- 13. The new algebra: Hamilton and quaternions -- 14. Two shooting stars: group theory -- 15. The geometry of whales and ants: non-Euclidean geometry -- 16. In primes we trust: the prime number theorem -- 17. The idea of spectra: Fourier series -- 18. A god's-eye view of light: Maxwell's equations -- Pt. 4. Equations in our own time -- 19. The photoelectric effect: quanta and relativity -- 20. From a bad cigar to Westminster Abbey: Dirac's formula -- 21. The empire-builder: the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet equation -- 22. A little bit infinite: the Continuum Hypothesis -- 23. Theories of chaos: Lorenz equations -- 24. Taming the tiger: the Black-Scholes equation.
요약Most popular books about science, and even about mathematics, tiptoe around equations as if they were something to be hidden from the reader's tender eyes. Dana Mackenzie starts from the opposite premise: He celebrates equations. No history of art would be complete without pictures. Why, then, should a history of mathematics--the universal language of science--keep the masterpieces of the subject hidden behind a veil? The Universe in Zero Words tells the history of twenty-four great and beautiful equations that have shaped mathematics, science, and society--from the elementary
일반주제명Equations -- Popular works.
Mathematics -- History -- Popular works.
MATHEMATICS / Algebra / Elementary.
SCIENCE / Physics / General.
기타형태 저록Print version:Mackenzie, Dana.Universe in zero words.Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 20129780691152820


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