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Software defined networking with OpenFlow : get hands-on with the platforms and development tools used to build OpenFlow network applications / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Azodolmolky, Siamak.
서명/저자사항Software defined networking with OpenFlow[electronic resource] :get hands-on with the platforms and development tools used to build OpenFlow network applications /Siamak Azodolmolky.
발행사항Birmingham, UK : Packt Publishing, 2013.
형태사항1 online resource (153 p.)
ISBN9781461949633 (electronic bk.)
1461949637 (electronic bk.)
9781849698733 (electronic bk.)
1849698732 (electronic bk.)

일반주기 Description based upon print version of record.
내용주기Preface -- Chapter 1. Introducing OpenFlow. Understanding software defined networking : OpenFlow flavor ; Activities around SDN/OpenFlow ; Building blocks ; OpenFlow messages ; Controller-to-switch ; Features ; Configuration ; Modify-State ; Read-State ; Send-Packet ; Barrier ; Symmetric messages ; Hello ; Echo ; Vendor ; Asynchronous messages ; Packet-in ; Flow-removal ; Port-status ; Error ; Northbound interface ; Summary -- Chapter 2. Implementing the OpenFlow switch. OpenFlow reference switch ; Asynchronous messages ; Symmetric messages ; Hardware implementations ; Software-based switches ; OpenFlow laboratory with Mininet ; Getting started with Mininet ; Experimenting with Mininet ; Summary -- Chapter 3. The OpenFlow controllers. SDN controllers ; Existing implementations ; NOX and POX ; Running a POX application ; NodeFlow ; Floodlight ; OpenDaylight ; Special controllers ; Summary -- Chapter 4. Setting up the environment. Understanding the OpenFlow laboratory ; External controllers ; Completing the OpenFlow laboratory ; OpenDaylight ; ODL controller ; ODL-based SDN laboratory ; Summary -- Chapter 5. "Net app" development. Net app 1 : an Ethernet learning switch ; Building the learning switch ; Net app 2 : a simple firewall ; Net app 3 : simple forwarding in OpenDaylight ; Summary -- Chapter 6. Getting a network slice. Network virtualization ; FlowVisor ; FlowVisor API ; FLOW_MATCH structure ; Slice actions structure ; FlowVisor slicing ; Summary -- Chapter 7. OpenFlow in cloud computing. OpenStack and Neutron ; OpenStack networking architecture ; Neutron plugins ; Summary -- Chapter 8. Open source resources. Switches ; Open vSwitch ; Pantou ; Indigo ; LINC ; XORPlus ; OF13SoftSwitch ; Controllers ; BeaconFloodlight ; Maestro ; Trema ; FlowER ; Ryu ; Miscellaneous ; FlowVisor ; Avior ; RouteFlow ; OFlops and Cbench ; OSCARS ; Twister ; FortNOX ; Nettle ; Frenetic ; OESS ; Summary -- Index.
요약A step-by-step, example-based guide which will help you gain hands-on experience with the platforms and debugging tools on OpenFlow.If you are a network engineer, architect, junior researcher or an application developer, this book is ideal for you. You will need to have some level of network experience, knowledge of broad networking concepts, and some familiarity with day- to- day operation of computer networks. Ideally, you should also be familiar with programing scripting/languages (especially Python and Java), and system virtualization.
일반주제명Computer network architectures.
COMPUTERS / Networking / General.
기타형태 저록Print version:Azodolmolky, Siamak.Software Defined Networking with OpenFlow.Birmingham : Packt Publishing, 20139781849698726


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