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Android 4 : New Features for Application Development [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Aydin, Murat.
서명/저자사항Android 4[electronic resource] :New Features for Application Development.
발행사항Birmingham : Packt Pub., 2012.
형태사항1 online resource (354 p.)
총서사항Community experience distilled
ISBN9781849519533 (electronic bk.)
1849519536 (electronic bk.)

내용주기Table of Contents; Android 4: New features for Application Development; Android 4: New features for Application Development; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; www.PacktPub.com; Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more; Why Subscribe?; Free Access for Packt account holders; Preface; What this book covers; What you need for this book; Who this book is for; Conventions; Reader feedback; Customer support; Downloading the example code; Errata; Piracy; Questions; 1. Action Bar for All; Action bar; Adding an action bar; Adding an ActionProvider.
Adding submenus to the ActionProviderShareActionProvider; Adding an action view; Using the action bar for navigation; Summary; 2. A New Layout -- GridLayout; GridLayout; Why to use GridLayout; Adding a GridLayout; Configuring GridLayout; A new view -- Space; Summary; 3. Social APIs; Basics of contacts in Android; Using Social API; Device user profile; Summary; 4. Calendar APIs; Using Calendar APIs; Creating an event; Using Intents for creating events; Adding an attendee; Adding a reminder; Summary; 5. Fragments; Fragment basics; Fragment lifecycle; Creating and managing fragments.
Programmatically adding a fragmentEvent sharing with activity; Using multiple fragments in an activity; Types of fragments; ListFragment; DialogFragment; PreferenceFragment; WebViewFragment; Summary; 6. Supporting Different Screen Sizes; Android 4.0 supports different screen sizes; Using match_parent and wrap_content; Using dip instead of px; Omit using AbsoluteLayout; Providing different bitmap drawables for different screen densities; Providing different layouts for different screen sizes; Nine-patch; Summary; 7. Android Compatibility Package; What is Android Compability Package.
How to use the Android Compatibility PackageSummary; 8. New Connectivity APIs -- Android Beam and Wi-Fi Direct; Android Beam; Beaming NdefMessages; Wi-Fi Direct; Sample Wi-Fi Direct application; Summary; Index.
요약This is a practical and hands-on guide with a step-by-step approach and clearly explained sample code. This book is for developers who are experienced with the Android platform, but who may not be familiar with the new features and APIs of Android 4. Android developers who want to learn about supporting multiple screen sizes and multiple Android versions will also find this book beneficial.
주제명(통일서명)Android (Electronic resource)
일반주제명Android (Electronic resource)
Application software.
Mobile computing.
Smartphones -- Programming.
Application software -- Development.
Mobile computing -- Programming.
COMPUTERS / Programming / Apple Programming.
기타형태 저록Print version:Aydin, MuratAndroid 4 : New Features for Application DevelopmentBirmingham : Packt Publishing, c20129781849519526


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