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Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python Cookbook [electronic resource].

상세 프로파일

개인저자Pimpler, Eric.
서명/저자사항Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python Cookbook[electronic resource].
발행사항Birmingham : Packt Pub., 2013.
형태사항1 online resource (304 p.)
ISBN9781849694452 (electronic bk.)
1849694451 (electronic bk.)
9781621989202 (electronic bk.)
1621989208 (electronic bk.)

일반주기 Inserting and updating rows inside an edit session.
내용주기Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers; www.PacktPub.com; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Fundamentals of the Python Language for ArcGIS; Using IDLE for Python script development; Python language fundamentals; Summary; Chapter 2: Writing Basic Geoprocessing Scripts with ArcPy; Introduction; Using the ArcGIS Python window; Accessing ArcPy with Python; Executing tools from a script; Using ArcGIS Desktop help; Using variables to store data; Accessing ArcPy modules with Python; Chapter 3: Managing Map Documents and Layers; Introduction.
Referencing the current map documentReferencing map documents on a disk; Accessing a data frame; Getting a list of layers in a map document; Restricting the list of layers; Changing the map extent; Getting a list of tables; Adding layers to a map document; Inserting layers into a map document; Updating layer symbology; Updating layer properties; Chapter 4: Finding and Fixing Broken Data Links; Introduction; Finding broken data sources in your map document and layer files; Fixing broken data sources with MapDocument.findAndReplaceWorkspacePaths().
Fixing broken data sources with MapDocument.replaceWorkspaces()Fixing individual Layer and Table objects with replaceDataSource(); Finding all broken data sources in all map documents in a folder; Chapter 5: Automating Map Production and Printing; Introduction; Creating a list of layout elements; Assigning a unique name to layout elements; Restricting the layout elements returned by ListLayoutElements(); Updating layout element properties; Getting a list of available printers; Printing maps with PrintMap(); Exporting a map to a PDF file; Exporting a map to an image file.
Creating a map book withPDFDocumentCreate() and PDFDocumentOpen(); Chapter 6: Executing Geoprocessing Tools from Scripts; Introduction; Finding geoprocessing tools; Retrieving a toolbox alias; Executing geoprocessing tools from a script; Using the output of a tool as an input to another tool; Setting environment variables and examining tool messages; Chapter 7: Creating Custom Geoprocessing Tools; Introduction; Creating a custom geoprocessing tool; Chapter 8: Querying and Selecting Data; Introduction; Constructing proper attribute query syntax; Creating feature layers and table views.
Selecting features and rows with the Select Layer by Attribute toolSelecting features with the Select by Location tool; Combining a spatial and attribute query with the Select by Location tool; Chapter 9: Using the Arcpy Data Access Module to Select, Insert, and Update Geographic Data and Tables; Introduction; Retrieving features from a feature class with a SearchCursor; Filtering records with a where clause; Improving cursor performance with geometry tokens; Inserting rows with InsertCursor; Updating rows with an UpdateCursor; Deleting rows with an UpdateCursor.
요약This book is written in a helpful, practical style with numerous hands-on recipes and chapters to help you save time and effort by using Python to power ArcGIS to create shortcuts, scripts, tools, and customizations.""Programming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python Cookbook"" is written for GIS professionals who wish to revolutionize their ArcGIS workflow with Python. Basic Python or programming knowledge is essential.
일반주제명Python (Computer language)
Web site development.
Web sites -- Authoring programs.
Geographic information systems.
Graphical user interfaces (Computer systems)
Python (Computer program language)
COMPUTERS / Web / Web Programming.
기타형태 저록Print version:Pimpler, EricProgramming ArcGIS 10.1 with Python CookbookBirmingham : Packt Publishing, c20139781849694445


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