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Successful Time Management [electronic resource].

상세 프로파일

개인저자Forsyth, Patrick.
서명/저자사항Successful Time Management[electronic resource].
판사항3rd ed.
발행사항London : Kogan Page, 2013.
형태사항1 online resource (196 p.)
총서사항Creating Success
ISBN9780749467234 (electronic bk.)
0749467231 (electronic bk.)

일반주기 Description based upon print version of record.
내용주기Author's note to this revised edition; Preface; Making a difference; 1 Time: a key resource -- Opportunities and Difficulties; Making it work; A personal approach; The productivity gain; Speculate to accumulate; Perfect time; Summary; 2 First steps towards effective time management; Your work mix; Assessing your current working practice; Plan the work and work the plan; What kind of system?; Setting clear objectives (the text over page defines these); Thinking ahead; Spend time to save time; Taking time to think; Be prepared to say 'no'; To be, or not to be (perfect)
Work smarter not longerReward yourself; Summary; 3 Getting (and staying) organized; Work the plan; Batch your tasks; Use your diary effectively; Schedule appointments with care; Clear your desk; Avoid 'cherry picking'; Use abstracts; The internet; Highlight key facts; Insist on quality; Action or investment; A good personal assistant (or secretary); Use a 'document parking' system; Make use of checklists; Directing the techniques at particular result areas; Intermission... take a break; Summary; 4 Combating the time wasters; The greatest time waster?; Why uncomfortable is good
When performance is inadequateRecognizing reality; Identifying opportunities; Handling personal interruptions; Handling telephone interruptions; Save time getting through; Make messages accurate; E-mail; On the move; Summary; 5 E-mails: shortcut or time black hole?; E-mail versus snail mail; E-mail: possible disadvantages; Basic guidelines; Systematic sorting; Digital signatures and other security devices; Jargon and acronyms; Attachments; Hyperlinks; Potential problems; Summary; 6 First things first; Pareto's law; Make the miscellaneous a priority; Schedule -- backwards
Be honest about deadlinesReview task methodology; Eliminate the unnecessary; Danger -- keep your distance; Be confident of your priorities; Summary; 7 Controlling the paperwork; Aim to minimize paperwork; Make a habit of brevity; Minimal memos; Minimize your paper handling; Do not let files and filing waste time; Keep papers neat; Computerize it -- but carefully; Do not duplicate information unnecessarily; Do not proliferate information unnecessarily; Do not put it in writing; Write faster; WPB -- the most time-saving object in your office; Summary; 8 Working with other people
The socializing organizationInformal contact; Making a working lunch work; Consider a day out; No conflict -- no wasted time; The right people; The need for clear instructions; Don't do it -- delegate; Swap tasks to save time; Develop your people; Simply the most time-saving phrase in the language; Do not hover; Motivate your people; Provide specific time management help for staff; Make and keep some firm rules; Meetings -- danger or opportunity?; Summary; 9 Final words; Appendix 1 Time management to the rescue; Appendix 2 Time management format examples; Digital diaries
요약Successful Time Management is packed with proven tips and techniques to help you review and assess you time management and adopt new work practices to improve it. It includes great time-saving ideas, practical solutions and checklists, plus advice on: controlling paperwork; organizing your e-mail inbox; delegating and working with others; prioritizing to focus on key issues; getting and staying organized.Now in its thrid edition, this essential guide will help you minimize time-wasting and interruptions, and focus on the priority tasks that will lead to success in your job and career.
일반주제명Time management.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Time Management.
SELF-HELP / Time Management.
기타형태 저록Print version:Forsyth, PatrickSuccessful Time ManagementLondon : Kogan Page,c20139780749467227


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