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Attachment in Common Sense and Doodles : a Practical Guide [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Silver, Miriam.
서명/저자사항Attachment in Common Sense and Doodles[electronic resource] :a Practical Guide.
발행사항London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2013.
형태사항1 online resource (210 p.)
ISBN9780857006240 (electronic bk.)
085700624X (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Attachment in Common Sense and Doodles: A Practical Guide; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Preface; Chapter 1: What Is Attachment and Why Does It Matter?; Reflection: Spotting your own patterns now; Reflection: Spotting your own childhood patterns; Chapter 2: Can Attachment Patterns Change?; Case example: A worthless man; Case example: A soft mother; Measuring early attachment; Reflection: Recognising attachment styles; Chapter 3: What Is 'Good Enough' Care, and What Does It Do?; Reflection: Your child's experiences; Activity: Brick walls; Case example: Re-growth; Chapter 4: Shaping Behaviour.
Activity: Giving your child your full attentionNear misses; Case example: Learning from feedback; Chapter 5: Effects of Parenting on the Infant's Brain; Neuropsychological development; Chapter 6: Through the Generations; Reflection: Spotting patterns; Patterns through the generations; Chapter 7: Changing Patterns: The Tug of War of Attachment; Actively challenging your child's attachment template; Chapter 8: Arousal Revisited; Emotional volume; Chapter 9: The Calm and the Storm; Case example: Blacking out; Reflection: Readiness for fight or flight; Chapter 10: Diagnoses.
Case example: I don't understand the riskChapter 11: Understanding Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviours; Case example: I never get presents; Chapter 12: Parenting with PACE; Case example: A very naughty girl!; Core qualities of a therapeutic parent; Case example: Smile over the sadness; Activity: Empathic guesses; Chapter 13: Layers; Case example: Painted perfect; Reflection: Spotting the layers; Chapter 14: Shame and Changing the Norm; Case example: Hitting out; Case example: Making the ordinary extraordinary; Reflection: Visiting the unfamiliar; Chapter 15: Roles and Belonging.
Reflection: RolesCase example: The naughtiest boy in the naughty boys club; Belonging; Reflection: Building belonging; Case examples: Click; Chapter 16: Stories; Reflection: Changing life; Case example: The cat who was only a kitten herself; Case example: The jungle lion moves to the plain; Activity: Telling stories; Chapter 17: Time Holes and Triggers; Case example: 'Ugh, you're disgusting!'; Case example: Guilty or not guilty?; Chapter 18: Patterns That Suck Us In; Case example: Who has the biggest teeth?; Activity: Mapping out patterns; Using your support network; Chapter 19: Heroes.
Reflection: HeroesAppendix: The Impact of Poor Early Care; Appendix References; Glossary; References; Additional Reading; Index.
요약An informal introduction to attachment and what it means for understanding and helping children who have experienced trauma, neglect or abuse. Doodles featuring throughout the book bring the ideas to life - ideal for parents or professionals caring for fostered, adopted and looked after children.
일반주제명Attachment behavior in children.
Adopted children -- Psychology.
Abused children -- Psychology.
PSYCHOLOGY / Mental Health.
기타형태 저록Print version:Silver, MiriamAttachment in Common Sense and Doodles : A Practical GuideLondon : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, c20139781849053143


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