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In search of goodness [electronic resource] /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Grant, Ruth Weissbourd, 1951-
서명/저자사항In search of goodness[electronic resource] /edited by Ruth W. Grant.
발행사항Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2011.
형태사항1 online resource (viii, 177 p.)
ISBN9780226306858 (electronic bk.)
0226306852 (electronic bk.)

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기The nature and nurture of morality / Philip Costanzo -- Generous to a fault: moral goodness and psychic health / Ruth W. Grant -- Are moral conversions possible? / David B. Wong -- What good is innocence? / J. Peter Euben -- God and goodness: a theological exploration / Stanley Hauerwas -- To make this emergence articulate: the beautiful, the tragic sublime, the good, and the shapes of common practice / Romand Coles -- The tragedy of the goods and the pursuit of happiness: the question of the good and the goods / Michael Allen Gillespie -- The goodness of searching: good as what? good for what? good for whom? / Amelie Oksenberg Rorty.
요약<DIV><DIV> The recent spate of books and articles reflecting on the question of evil might make one forget that the question of just what constitutes goodness is no less urgent or perplexing. Everyone wants to think of him- or herself as good. But what does a good life look like? And how do people become good? Are there multiple, competing possibilities for what counts as a good life, all equally worthy? Or, is there a unified and transcendent conception of the good that should guide our judgment of the possibilities? What does a good life look like when it is guided by God? How is a good life involved with the lives of others? And, finally, how good is good enough? These questions are the focus of In Search of Goodness , the product of a year-long conversation about goodness. The eight essays in this volume challenge the dichotomies that usually govern how goodness has been discussed in the past: altruism versus egoism; reason versus emotion; or moral choice versus moral character. Instead, the contributors seek to expand the terms of the discussion by coming at goodness from a variety of perspectives:160; psychological, philosophic, literary, religious, and political. In each case, they emphasize the lived realities and particulars of moral phenomena, taking up examples and illustrations from life, literature, and film. From Achilles and Billy Budd, to Oskar Schindler and Shel Silversteins The Giving Tree , to Iris Murdoch and the citizens of Flagstaff, Arizona, readers will find a wealth of thought-provoking insights to help them better understand this most basic, but complex, element of human life and happiness. 160; 160; 160; </DIV></DIV>
일반주제명Good and evil.
PHILOSOPHY -- Ethics & Moral Philosophy.
기타형태 저록Print version:In search of goodness.Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 20119780226306834


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